December 29, 2003

Pursuit of Health

First I went to get an X-ray of my chest. After taking a front and side view, the technician looked at the film and asked me do it again. She had never seen lungs so wide and so long they wouldn't all fit in the picture.

Next was a stop at the doctor's office where he gave me a shot in the arm of an antibiotic. He then listened to my lungs and decided it wasn't all that bad. The reports from the X-ray technician will be delayed until tomorrow afternoon due to a digitizing error of some sort. Finally he investigated my ears, nose, and throat and sent me down the road to get a CT Scan of my sinuses.

The technician at the MRI/CT place was unable to see the images she took because the computer messed up somehow and was rebooting (apparently it takes a long time).

Bottom line: I'll call the doctor tomorrow afternoon and hopefully get the reports from the X-ray and the CT Scan.

Meanwhile: I struggle to keep my jobs from evaporating around me. Moxie has another guitarist standing in the wings in case I can't go to Jackson, MS with them this Saturday. I asked Axtell Productions to send someone else to the Plantation Grill (Lake Oconee) tomorrow night. When most folks get sick, they get a leave of absence with sick pay. Musicians do not get paid, risk losing the job forever, and likely have no insurance to pay the medical bills. It's a tough row to hoe.

Posted by dancoy at December 29, 2003 08:48 PM