December 31, 2003

Second Opinion

Pulmonary Specialist: The specialist does NOT agree that there are signs of COPD (chronic obtrusive pulmonary disease) in my chest X-ray. He feels that due to my size (6' 2") and extremely good physical condition, the shape and condition of my lungs may not be all that abnormal.

The doctor also thinks I've had enough antibiotics recently to cure a horse! So he is taking a guess at "exercise induced asthma" and gave an inhaler to use for the next 2 weeks, although he didn't sound very sure about that either. In late January I am scheduled to go to the Gwinnett hospital pulmonary section for further testing.

I know it's got to be hard for this doctor to imagine that I am suffering at all, because his waiting room had patients who were coughing, wheezing, and on oxygen. Compared to them I positively radiate good health, however a constant pain in my chest and 10 weeks of coughing and congestion tells me there is something wrong.

Posted by dancoy at December 31, 2003 12:49 PM