January 31, 2004

Trying To Take It Easy

Health & Fitness: The wounds are healing and it's not so hard to sleep at night again. The human body can be a miraculous thing, I wish everything else I have would heal when it gets messed up.

I took a easy spin around the 25-mile "Mt Moriah-Doc Hughes" loop. The weather is so fine and I'm anxious to resume my outdoor fitness activities.

Lately I've been doing a little yoga along with a video tape I found on one of our shelves, some basic aerobic routines and occasionally taking the dog out for a walk/run -- I know it's not much, but I have to take it easy for a while longer.

Web Design: Spent several hours working on the Aerus Composites site. They need to get some more content to me, but I have a basic look and feel plus a cool little navigation bar already programmed. Here's the working directory but it will probably be ready to go live in about a week.

I have started programming with quite a bit more CSS instead of mostly HTML. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) makes a lot of things easier, but IE's non-compliant nature makes using it tricky too.

Upcoming website projects include Wood & Fullerton Goodyear site updates, and one I am really looking forward to; Nan's Bits, a cookie company owned and operated by two young women.

Music Biz: Mack & Dan duo continue to please the diners at Violettes on Tu-W-Th evenings. Feb is booked-up with a variety of concerts, banquets, and events with various bands. Late Feb I will be in the recording studio with Moxie making a demo tape with the new line-up.

I had to spend some time yesterday adjusting the neck and truss-rods on my D'Angelico New Yorker and Fender Stratocaster (my 2 main guitars) because, after all, they are mostly wood and some metal and when subjected to the temperature and weather changes, the instruments react adversely. They sound and feel OK now.

Posted by dancoy at January 31, 2004 03:35 PM