February 08, 2004

Fifty-Three Miles

Along with Matt and Doug, I took a ride around the "Walton County" loop. This route has a couple of good hills, but mainly it's rollers. The course uses a few of the same roads as the "Harbins Winter Ride", including the high-speed off-camber turn onto Jack Pittman Road, the scene of my crash two weeks ago. The weather was great and the wind was blowing in an unusual direction providing us with a tailwind for the ride back home.

I started recording my ride from home but stopped the computer at Doug and Matt's house while I waited for them to get ready (I was a little early). Anyway, I forgot to turn it back on until we had gone about 9 miles, 26 minutes later. So the following graph is not complete and the huge altitude drop at at mile 2.3 is not a cliff, it is just when I remembered to turn on the HRM/computer.

Posted by dancoy at February 8, 2004 08:21 PM