March 19, 2004


It's Friday eve and the girls are going out... except for Samantha, she has to stay at home with the old man tonight. I took this photo about an hour ago and you can see that the trees around here are blooming.

Health & Fitness: Although that normal heart rate yesterday morning didn't last long, I am feeling slightly improved. The follow-up appointment with the cardiologist on Wednesday resulted in more head-scratching and shoulder-shrugging. With no signs of heart problems the doctor suggested that the residual chest pain is probably an internal injury from the crash. Bev was at our chiropractor's office today and told her about what the cardiologist said. The chiropractor wants to examine me closer and told Bev it might be something with the ribs, the technical details were lost somewhere in the passing along of info. Anyway the cardiologist gave me the green light [Dean said it's probably more yellow] to resume fitness activities.

Posted by dancoy at March 19, 2004 07:10 PM