May 06, 2004


Radiology Report: Findings from the Barium Swallow: Small sliding hiatal hernia with gastroesphageal reflux. Dr. Liotta prescribed Protonex 40mg.

Yeah right, whatever.

Going back to my little world of sports medicine, nutrition, massage, chiropractic and other homeopathic resources, I believe some positive results are coming from Bovine Colostrum. I first learned of this product in 1996 from the great cycling scientist, Ed Burke.

Yesterday Rachel and I began another experiment in homeopathic therapy in the form of Kinesio Taping. Again this is something I learned about from the world of cycling, via Lance Armstrong's book entitled "Every Second Counts". I have my left shoulder taped and Rachel has her knees taped -- although I should have taped her nose... yesterday she got it pierced and now there is a stud sticking out of it!

Posted by dancoy at May 6, 2004 10:06 AM