June 13, 2004

Liquid Diet

The previous two days diet has been low-fiber, while today's diet was strictly clear liquids featuring a gallon of Colyte. The other day I was trying to remember what this product's name was and instead of "Colyte" I said "Loctite" - uh, not quite right. Colyte is part of the pre-colonoscopy procedures, it cleanses the bowel.

Scheduled for 10:30 AM tomorrow is the appointment at Gwinnett Day Surgery for a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. Let's hope everything comes out OK.

Medical Score Card:

List of recent procedures:

Abdominal CT Scan w/contrast (revealed 1 large & 5 small lesions in liver)
Ultrasound Abdominal (revealed liver abnormalities)
Upper GI (revealed hiatal hernia)
Abdominal Bone Scan (revealed recent broken rib on left side)
Blood Tests - full panel
X-rays (too many! - revealed dislocated left shoulder & L2 abnormality)
Stress Test
Sonogram of Heart
Sinus CT Scan

List of recent doctors:

Dr. Tanner - Gastroenterology Specialist (ordered colonoscopy & endoscopy)
Dr. Song Na - GP (ordered Blood test, Ultrasound, and Triphasic CT scan)
Dr. Liotta - GP (ordered the Upper GI and recommended Dr. Tanner)
Dr. Videlefsy - Cardiologist (ordered EKG & stress test)
Dr. Damarco - Pulmonary Specialist
Dr. Deutsch - GP (ordered chest x-rays and Sinus CT scan)
Dr. Elliot - Chiropractor (ordered x-rays, Bone Scan & recommended Dr. Na)

Posted by dancoy at June 13, 2004 10:52 PM