June 15, 2004

Midazolam_Ticket to dreamland

Generic Name: Midazolam ( MID-ay-zoe-lam).
Trade Name: Versed.
Action: Sedative / Hypnotic Anxiolytic / Amnesic.

Midazolam is generally accepted as the injectable benzodiazepine. Like no other drug, it induces an anterograde amnesia and conscious sedation.

I'm pretty darn sure this is what they gave me yesterday, and it worked. Midazolam can lead to the patient experiencing daydreams with a sexual content. I hope I didn't embarrass myself during the procedure, fortunately they stuck something in my mouth so I couldn't speak, at least not clearly. A little research on the internet revealed that this type of drug is also available in pills and oral syrup. Midazolam is reported to be the "date rape" drug.

I have to wonder what the possibilities are for accessing the subconscious mind while in this hypnotic state. Do the doctors and nurses use this opportunity for behavior modification? I wonder if it is possible or legal to record audio in a Day Surgery situation?

Posted by dancoy at June 15, 2004 04:41 PM