July 29, 2004

Some Numbers

Having kept ride/training logs for both mountain and road biking since 1990 (Aug 13, 1989 to be exact), I recently realized that I have cycled about 100,000 miles. That averages out to about 7500 miles at 415 hours annually, 625 miles at 35 hours monthly, or 150 miles at 8 hours weekly. Naturally things don't happen that neatly in real life, there are always variations, some periods being far greater and some completely off. Overall my goal has not been to accumulate miles or saddle time, but to effectively train to ride better, and later, to race and win. For me, 400-450 annual training hours is just about enough to be competitive at this region's Master's events.

Posted by dancoy at July 29, 2004 10:30 AM

That is a lot of miles on a bicycle but not as many as I thought it would be. Your training is apparently very controlled and focused on winning particular races.
Wonder how many tires were consumed per thousand miles?
It is good your strength and endurance are coming back.

Posted by: Dad at July 29, 2004 11:33 PM

YES! How many tires and tubes, chains, lube, brake pads, cables, shifters, dérailleurs, cogs, rims, hubs, spokes, pedals, shoes, helmets, uniforms, sunglasses, saddles... and the time involved in maintaining equipment -- I can only guess.

I do know I have had:
6 road bikes (cost about $2,000+ each)
1 time trial bike w/disk and tri-spoke wheels
2 mountain bikes (completely rebuilt several times)
1 cyclocross bike

In return, I have netted a few dollars prize money, some medals, jerseys and trophies, half dozen broken bones, lots of road rash, saddle sores, aching muscles, extreme fatigue, the disdain of every motorist, resentment from spouse, family and co-workers... and a reason to get out of bed everyday!

Posted by: Dan at July 30, 2004 07:42 AM