August 17, 2004

Empty Nest Syndrome

Rachel moved into her dorm room in Athens, GA yesterday. It's only an hour away from home and we'll still see her often, but this event signals the beginning of a new phase in our lives.

You've nursed, nagged and nurtured this kid for nearly two decades, and now your last or only child is gone away to college. You're a parent, and that plays a large part in how you define yourself. How ready are you for an empty nest?
Empty Nest Syndrome? Isn't that a myth? I am not planning to fly the coop or anything, but a new phase in life is cool. Maybe we can convert the extra room into an office, gym, studio or something. Hmmm... there is a passport waiting to be used - of course I'll check in on my little chickadees -- maybe from a cell phone as I sail down the Nile.

My children are strong, smart and independent, and I couldn't be more proud. These girls really did a fine job of raising me. I will worry not.

Posted by dancoy at August 17, 2004 09:21 AM