August 21, 2004

Interrupted TT Tests

Pumped up the tires and put the pedals on the TT bike, blew the dust off the saddle, and rolled out of the garage for a test run. After a brief spin over to the Cedars TT course I took off for what I planned to be the warm-up effort. The effort started OK but when I got to the turnaround a minivan was approaching from behind so I slowed way down so she could pass, the minivan slowed down, I slowed down even more, the minivan slowed more (What the...!?). I turned around and hammered back to the finish line for an elapsed time of 0:07:04.

Feeling warmed up now I was going to go for the real deal. I countdown and start, but was distracted and started in the wrong gear (small ring), I didn't realize it and correct it until about 40 seconds into it. After the turnaround my chain wouldn't drop into the 11-tooth cog so the overall result was disappointing (7:09). I had planned to do at least three efforts but instead decided to go home and adjust the drive-train and return another time.

Cedars Road Time Trial
Saturday, August 21, 2004 3:30 PM
Distance 3.0 miles

TEST 1 - Duration 0:07:04*

Average Heart Rate 157 bpm
Maximum Heart Rate 160 bpm

Average Speed 25.47 mph

*traffic at turnaround

TEST 2 - Duration 0:07:09*

Average Heart Rate 159 bpm
Maximum Heart Rate 162 bpm

Average Speed 25.17 mph

*shifting problem

Posted by dancoy at August 21, 2004 05:44 PM