December 31, 2004

2004 Comes To A Close

Some stats for the past year (no particular rhyme or reason):

232 paid gigs (guitar performances)
10 different medical procedures - 7 different doctors
25th wedding anniversary
1 daughter graduates high school and leaves for college
1 funeral
1 rediscovered childhood friend
1 serious bike crash
150 bike rides - 4553 miles - 259 hours
5 sanctioned bike races (cyclocross)
4 days and 2 nights camping in the mountains
Some new stuff: 1 puppy, 2 bicycles, 1 computer
Development of my own bicycle racing team.
Phasing out website work.
Refining coaching business.

In the overall scheme of things, it's been mostly smooth roads and tailwinds - with maybe a couple of little potholes.

Posted by dancoy at December 31, 2004 11:44 AM