April 12, 2005

Signs of Spring

...splotches of purples, reds, lavenders, pinks, and oranges of Azaleas flow into one another; the clumps of wisteria blossoms dripping from trees like globs of purple paint as their vines wound around trunks and branches like pythons; the pine pollen giving everything a golden dusting; slowly greening lawns and blackened streets and dark rooftops spotted by a blizzard of lazily falling flakes of "Georgia Snow"--soft, white petals of dogwood flowers plucked from the branches and thrown about by a balmy breeze; choraling birds; the nourishing softened light coming over the horizon. -- excerpt from "Who Makes a Difference?" by Louis Schmier - March 22, 2000

Doug and I cycled through this impressionist painting this afternoon while making good time around the 58-mile Walton County Loop.

Posted by dancoy at April 12, 2005 04:21 PM