July 02, 2005

Coys on the AT

Dean drove Nathan, Stephen, the dogs and myself to Unicoi Gap where the hiking began. We hit the AT around 3PM and headed west up and over Blue Mountain. The trail gains about 1000 feet of elevation in the first mile or so, so the pace was slow but strenuous. Thunder in the distance warned about the possibility of a shower. A little over halfway to the top the rain was upon us and we stopped to cover our backpacks.The rain didn't last very long, but long enough that all our clothes were soaked.

Passing the Blue Mountain shelter, it looked like a storm had hit that very spot in recent weeks from the looks of all the broken trees. We continued to the Southwest for about a mile and down about 500 feet where the weather would be less likely to be severe.

The sky was getting dark and the winds accelerating, so we gathered water, hustled to the campsite at Rocky Knob and pitched the tents before the next front came through. Everyone got into dry clothes and relaxed in the tents for a couple hours until the rain passed.

Eventually the clear skies prevailed and everyone had some dinner then assisted in trying to get a campfire going. The campfire project was not extremely successful but kept us all occupied.

After a restless night's sleep, thanks to the camping-crazed canines, we got up, had breakfast and broke camp. The hike back out was enjoyable except the heat and humidity was increasing rapidly. Everyone emerged unscathed and mostly satisfied. I enjoyed the adventure.

Windows Media Video
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The Coys backpacking on the Appalacian Trail

Still photos in the photo gallery.

Posted by dancoy at July 2, 2005 04:05 PM

Your video portray a very imposing group. I imagine no person or animal would dare bother you. Two dogs and two teenagers are all the protection needed.
Looks like you all had a good time.

Posted by: Dad at July 2, 2005 06:58 PM

Protection from the rain was the only concern. We didn't see any other persons or animals while we were there -- heard some owls, woodpeckers and awesome thunder.

Posted by: Dan at July 3, 2005 08:01 AM