January 13, 2006

Just Another Ride

It has finally stopped raining and now it's time to go for a bike ride. First check the conditions outside.

Choose the appropriate clothing for conditions, remembering the HRM and chamois creme.

Of course, get dressed.

Always bring drinks, food, cellphone, glasses and ID.

Pump up the tires, grab your helmet, put your bottles on the bike and food in your jersey pockets, make sure you have spares in the saddle bag, start the HRM/computer and RIDE.

Bike ride video clip 5MB

Since it was a wet and somewhat rainy ride, the bike will require some cleaning and lubing before putting away.

Another great ride, now clean up and begin recovery.

Write down the workout in the ride log and download the Heart Rate Monitor data to the computer.

Prepare to do it again tomorrow...

Posted by dancoy at January 13, 2006 10:54 PM