October 14, 2007

Cycling for health?

It’s good for you so long as you don’t get killed

[Oct 14 article from Times Online]

Cyclists and motorbikers are at far greater risk of being killed on the roads than previously admitted by the Government, according to figures released to The Times.

The DfT wants to promote cycling because it is said to tackle pollution and congestion.

The Government’s recently-published cycling policy overview described it as an excellent pastime, with a positive impact on health, particularly reducing coronary heart disease. Regular cyclists were as fit as people ten years younger.

However, it now emerges that cyclists run an increased risk of never getting any older.

According to Brake, part of the solution is car users’ attitudes. “The onus is on drivers to slow down. It is drivers who are in control of a fast-moving piece of metal that can kill others.”

Posted by dancoy at October 14, 2007 07:34 PM