November 04, 2007

Monroe Cyclocross

In the 45+ race I encountered a 3-year-old-girl obstacle on the course in the first lap and had to slam on my brakes. Hopefully that little girl wasn't as scared as me (Mama was right there but not very alert).

My rear tire pressure must have been too low or the cornering too aggressive but the tire bead started coming off the rim. Eventually the flapping tire made it to the pit area and the spare bike but I had lost several places in the meantime. Get this, I came around the next lap and my rolled tire had been fixed - I have a saint watching over me.

Matt Bennett (Lifetime Bikes) threw my bike on the stand and fixed my drive train before the pro/1/2 race. I felt like I had so much support it wasn't even fair.

Near the end of the pro/1/2 race (which I simply ride for team points, not to race for a placing) I got lapped by a strong rider and as he and I came to the last set of barriers he said, "it's an honor to run these barriers with you". The honor is all mine, my friend!

Posted by dancoy at November 4, 2007 10:45 PM