January 01, 2008

Felliniesque NYE

Playing music with Mike and Penelope was mostly cool, but the scene at this Italian restaurant was almost bizarre. The menu and food was excellent, the place was decorated and included a huge balloon drop. The staff was in full force and in formal attire. The band was top-notch. The place was set for a classic New Years Eve event.. but hardly anyone showed up!

We played to the employees and they had a lot of fun with much dancing and loud Italian style family behavior. The owner grabbed the mic at one point and sang along with "New York, New York", the wait staff had a kick line going, one waiter put on his dancing shoes and tap danced along with the band. Several customers had a conga line going around the room.

Penelope was singing and playing keyboards and commented that she felt like she was in a Fellini movie, I agreed.

Made it home safe and sound at 2:30 am, so Happy New Year.

Posted by dancoy at January 1, 2008 09:37 AM