September 29, 2004

Under The Influence

Yesterday (Tuesday) afternoon's ride began with a few miles of warmup and eventually I was pedaling my bike with a vengence. The pace was mostly steady-state, with a couple of jumps and sprints thrown in, but I motored around the rolling 35+ mile Blackjack loop in just a little over and hour and a half, averaging about 22 MPH.

Maybe it was the full moon or the double (pronounced: doo-blay) espresso, but when I arrived home from playing at V's, around 9:30 PM, I promptly laced up my running shoes, strapped on my RayoVac headlamp (didn't really need it) and took off for a late-night run. When I got back I was still feeling pumped so I added some extra weights to my barbell and bench and knocked out 3 sets. By 10:45 PM I was finally feeling ready to call it a day.

This morning I'm feeling the risidual effects of those workouts - but it feels good, not sore. After some stretching I'll go log some easy miles.

Posted by dancoy at 11:29 AM | Comments (0)

September 26, 2004

Day Off Activities

Fitness stuff: Stretching, running (with the little dogs), weights (3 sets), then off to Camp Creek for Cyclocross practice (with the big dogs). Reigning 40+ GA Cross Champ, Lamar M., puts on these practice sessions as preparation for the upcoming racing series. It is basically a bunch of cross racers doing an unsanctioned race around a playground/field/woods at an elementary school in Lilburn, GA.

[click to enlarge]

My friend, Trish Albert of Southeastern Cycling, was there practicing also and documented my first real effort at this sport. Fortunately Trish had put away her camera by the time I totally messed-up a remount and hit the ground. I jumped back up and continued without too much delay. I didn't realize it at the time, but the fall had bent the derailleur hanger on my bike. It was not until I finished my workout and heading back to the car that I dropped it to it's easiest gear, and that's when the derailleur went right into the rear spokes and broke the hanger off. I'll be replacing that right away.

Family stuff: Sunday dinner at Dave & Carol's house with most of the L'ville Coy clan in attendance. Dad & Shirley were spending the night there on their way to enjoy some time where they don't have to worry about hurricanes and such for a while.

Posted by dancoy at 09:49 PM | Comments (0)

September 24, 2004

A Peek At My Wacky Job

Music Biz: So far, so good, settling into a busy upcoming several weeks. Last night the duo performed at a pleasant outdoor banquet for a Colorado-based company celebrating at the Ritz Carlton Lodge on Lake Oconee. The jazz trio played the previous night at a sophisticated affair for Charles Schwab in the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, and tonight, Friday, DC3 provides live jazz for a very classy wedding reception at the Savannah Hall in the Four Seasons Atlanta Hotel.

This weekend is a Saturday job with Moxie at the Atlanta Ritz Carlton. Sunday starts in the early AM with the Six Gap Century beginning in Dahlonega, GA (it's not music-related, but will try to fit into the schedule somehow).

Next Monday DC3 will be back at the Ritz Oconee again. Then the duo returns for the usual Tue-Wed-Thu at Violette. The highlight of the upcoming week is a Friday night duo performance at a 60th birthday party. We will be joined by my former long-time musical partner, Octavia Jones, as we celebrate in the new home of Doctor John. Octavia and I had played at John's 40th birthday celebration and it's a wonder he survived that! This time Mack & I will be setup alongside a 40-foot koi pond in a wing of the new mansion in Vinnings, GA. I'll try to get some photos of this dude's crib, I'm sure that it's unbelievable.

Next Saturday I wrap up the week playing at a reception with Susan Taylor & the Paragons at the historic Payne-Corley House in Norcross, GA.

Posted by dancoy at 12:48 PM | Comments (0)

September 20, 2004

Last 13 Weeks

It has been a gradual but steady progression back to a decent level of fitness. Yesterday's time trial provided some badly needed positive reinforcement. Although I didn't have a particularly great ride, my heart rate was a mere 152 bpm avg and 159 bpm max, at least my legs and lungs were up to the task. Today starts week 14, a rest and recovery week which precedes another harder build phase that should take me right into the beginning of the Georgia Cyclocross racing season. Running and weights are now in my weekly workout routine - running for 'cross, and weights for the 2005 road season.

[click to enlarge]

Posted by dancoy at 11:16 AM | Comments (0)

September 19, 2004

2004 Fall GTC Time Trial

On this crisp and sunny morning riders gathered for the official Fall GTC Time Trial. Eleven riders showed up to see how they faired against the elements and challenging GTC TT course. Doug Coy was the organizer, time-keeper and course marshal for the event, and he did it all without any problems and made it look easy.

Defending a record that has stood for nearly 4 years, Dan Coy arrived knowing he would be the marked rider. Having only been back on the bike for 13 weeks since a six month bout with illness and injury, great results were not expected. Also on the start list was the runner-up to Dan's previous TT results, the 51 year old New York native, Stephen Simpson.

Other riders included Dean Coy, The Halgat clan, father and son Fontaine, David Alley, Chris Owens and David Penn.

The starting order was loosely based on each rider's abilities, with last being the probable fastest rider that day.

Starting Order:

1. Cathy Halgat
2. Jay Halgat
3. Jaymes Halgat
4. Christian Fontaine
5. Allain Fontaine
6. Dean Coy
7. David Alley
8. David Penn
9. Dan Coy
10. Stephen Simpson

* Chris Owens started earlier (w/Mike Owens in tow).


1. Stephen Simpson - 00:47:29 - avg 25.02 MPH *course record
2. Dan Coy - 00:48:29 - avg 24.5 MPH
3. Christian Fontaine - 00:54:59 - avg 21.67 MPH
4. Jaymes Halgat - 00:56:00 - avg 21.21 MPH
5. David Alley - 00:56:51 - avg 20.9 MPH
6. Jay Halgat - 01:00:03 - avg 19.78 MPH
7. Dean Coy - 01:04:12 - avg 18.5 MPH
8. Allain Fontaine - 01:07:46 - avg 17.53 MPH
9. Cathy Halgat - 01:11:41 - avg 16.57 MPH
10. David Penn - 01:12:07 - avg 16.47 MPH
11. Chris Owens - 01:17:28 - avg 15.34 MPH

The on-form Stephen Simpson shattered the course record by more than 2 minutes, and a surprised Dan Coy improved on his previous record by more than a minute. The weather was favorable for a time trial, the traffic was relatively low, but there were several times some riders were stopped at intersections, most riders cleared the intersections unimpeded. Dan Coy lost about 20-30 seconds at the first two crossings of Harbins Road, it was just bad luck.

Coda: The REAL bad luck came after the Time Trial event was completed. Doug and Dan Coy had gone for a cool-down ride around the usual roads they ride. As they were descending a particularly steep hill on Mt. Moriah Road, Doug's rear tire hit a rock and instantly blew out. Traveling at over 45 MPH the tire quickly came off the rim and jammed in the rear brakes, skidding on the bare rim, Doug was fighting to control the wildly swerving bike. Ultimately he hit the ground and slid across the extremely rough surface on the concrete bridge at the bottom of the hill. Sure, it could have been far worse had there been oncoming traffic, or if he careened off the bridge, however a possible dislocated shoulder and large areas of road rash were enough to warrant a trip to the Emergency Room. Thanks to Dean Coy for the prompt rescue and we hope Doug recovers quickly.

Posted by dancoy at 04:29 PM | Comments (0)

September 16, 2004

Firefox Preview Release

FireFox 1.0 PR : If you haven't already heard, FireFox has now hit 1.0 Preview Release status. I highly recommend this browser over IE.

“I suggest dumping Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which has a history of security breaches. I recommend instead using Mozilla Firefox. It’s not only more secure but also more modern and advanced, with tabbed browsing and a better pop-up ad blocker.” — Walt Mossberg, Wall Street Journal, Sept 16

Get Firefox!

Posted by dancoy at 11:27 PM | Comments (0)

September 14, 2004

Projects and Planning

Music Biz: lots of bookings coming in for the duo and trio. Hopefully this will be a fruitful holiday season.

Coaching Biz: The 2004 racing season is wrapping up and it's now time to plan the next season. I am not interested in handling more than a few athletes in 2005. I will continue with one expert mountain bike racer from Covington, GA (age 32), together we had a successful 2004 season. I'm currently negotiating with one neo-pro female mountain bike racer from Winder, GA (age 30), she wants me but her sponsor thinks I'm too expensive. I am hoping to get charge of one male triathlete from Dacula, GA now attending Western KY in Bowling Green, KY (age 20), he happens to be Rachel's roommate's brother.

Cycling Team: I have arranged for the Gwinnett Touring Club (GTC) to assist me in growing a grassroots racing team. I managed to score several product sponsors including Addictive Cycles bike shop, Cannondale bicycles, as well as several cash sponsors from within the club.

For now the team(s) will consist of a two-man cyclocross team (Masters 30+ & 40+) and a three-man road team (Masters 45+). The sponsor's discounts on bikes, parts and services will go to the racing team members, while the cash will be offered to all GTC club members for race reimbursement based on results - probably something like this.

Here's the design I came up with for the new team/club uniforms. Hopefully we will have them in time for the Georgia Cyclocross Championships in November.

Posted by dancoy at 11:39 PM | Comments (0)

September 12, 2004


It was a 20 hour day, for me yesterday. Starting at 5:00 AM I had to drive to Covington, GA to play at the 21st Annual Covington Police Fuzz Run. This was the third year in a row Drive Time has played at this event.

When I got back home I did a 2-mile run with Samantha at my side, followed by 3 sets with the free weights, and wrapped up my workout with a 25+ mile bike ride.

Next was packing the car and heading up the road to play with Susan Taylor & the Paragons at a big fat Jewish wedding at the Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, North Carolina. I finally made it back home by 1:00 AM this morning.

Posted by dancoy at 10:53 AM | Comments (0)

September 09, 2004

Spirit of Adventure

While it wasn't anything as epic as Christopher Columbus, David Livingstone or Sir Francis Drake, and it wasn't as important as a crusade or scientific exploration, it was a most enjoyable bike ride on some roads I've never been on before.

Todays 37+ mile cycling workout was especially good because the weather was so pleasant and I had a little extra time to explore some different routes. The really great "find" was Bragg Road which is a severely steep dirt road, with a creek crossing at the bottom (no bridge). This fine example of Georgia pavé runs from the top of Blackjack Rd over to Capitola Farm Rd.

Road bikes on steep and twisty dirt roads are not for the weak of heart, you must bring your spirit of adventure.

Posted by dancoy at 04:13 PM | Comments (0)

September 04, 2004

Saturday Gap Ride

Some of the GTC gang met at Turner's Corner at 8:30ish AM for a 60+ mile ride over Hogpen, Jacks, and Unicoi. Riders including John, Carlos, the Stephanies, Paul, Bud, and more, the Stewarts (they posted the ride on the website) were conspicuously absent. The group headed south from Turner's Corner and turned left on 75 heading toward the base of the Hogpen climb.

At the turn onto Richard B. Russell Scenic Hwy, Bud, Paul, and Dan had rolled off the front of the pack and started climbing together. Eventually Bud and Dan were off the front suffering in unison. Near the top Dan had a small gap, slightly extended it over the top and began the descent solo. Halfway down the mountain, at about 50 mph, Dan heard a sound like a SCUD missile and then Bud "the scud" blew right by him.

On the Flat section before the turn toward Jack's Bud sat up and Dan motored on. The plan, discussed in the parking lot, was to re-group at the top of Jack's. Pedaling up the road solo with fantasies of Richard Virenque dancing in his head, Coy went for the KOM points.

Sitting at the top of Jack's for 50+ minutes, Coy asked all the passing cyclists if they had seen anyone else coming. Maybe they changed their minds or something had happened to turn them back. Ultimately Coy joined forces with a strong-looking triathlete, Mike G., and continued on with the route.

The two time trial specialist traded pulls all the way down Unicoi and turned right on 75, before Helen. A brief "refill stop" at the church faucet and the two were off again. Mike G. headed up the Hogpen climb and Dan eased on back to Turner's Corner solo.

What happened to the rest of the riders in the group?

Dan's HRM data

[click to enlarge]

Posted by dancoy at 04:25 PM | Comments (0)

September 03, 2004

Fitness Blogs & Cycling News

Cycling News Feeds This is a page I created to put some of the current cycling news in an easy to get to place.

Training Blogs: I found many training and fitness blogs ranging from housewives trying to lose weight to elite professional athletes. Here's a few that were interesting for one reason or another:

September 02, 2004

Found A Very Cool Animated Gif

stick_people.gifI'm not sure who made this, but it is pretty cool. If you have ever spent any time creating an animated gif or a repeating background image, you can appreciate the thought that went into creating this image. This gif really looks cool if you set it as a repeating background image, check it out. Every once in a while I find an image like this that just impresses me. Thought I would share.

Posted by dancoy at 01:25 PM | Comments (0)