February 28, 2005

Adam Hodges-Myerson

Bio: Adam Hodges-Myerson (Somerville, MA), expert coach, Cycle-Smart founder and president, professional road racer who specializes in criteriums and cyclo-cross, former collegiate national cyclo-cross champion, board member of the Northampton Cycling Club and President of the New England Championship Cyclo-Cross Series.

Adam Hodges-Myerson, returning home from hosting a month-long training camp in Tampa FL, will be staying at my crib (heheh) Monday night. I have gathered a group of interested riders and Adam will do a cyclo-cross clinic on Monday February 28, 4PM at Gainesville College (Oakwood campus).

My cycling club, GTC, will be promoting a new 'cross race in the 2005 GA 'Cross Series and Adam will assist in course design while he's here. In return I will be listing Cycle-Smart as an event sponsor on the brochures and club website.

Posted by dancoy at 12:13 AM | Comments (0)

February 27, 2005

Ruth's Birthday Celebration

The number one daughter, Ruth, had a birthday last week on the 18th. At that time she was visiting relatives in Florida so the immediate clan didn't get to celebrate, until this evening. We gathered here at the crib* then headed out to the Cheesecake Factory for some decedent eats. Other than the fire alarm going off and later the arrival of a fire truck, the get-together was pleasant.
photos and a video clip

* I suppose a man with a 25 year old daughter probably shouldn't be using words like "crib", I'm sure a generation Y alarm is going off somewhere -- but that term has been in my vocab since the 60's. I think it's a jazz thing.
Posted by dancoy at 10:02 PM | Comments (1)

February 24, 2005

Marathon Cycling

I have never done a marathon cycling event, but I am coaching two athletes who are exceling at this discipline. This past weekend both riders, in different races, rode extremely well finishing among the best in the world!

Shey Lindner at the 12 Hours of Razorback in Reddick, Florida, rode 13 laps (the same # as Tinker Juarez), 134 miles, and over 12 hrs of mountain bike racing! Report and photos

Rick Rheingans, in Sebring Florida, rode 426.3 miles in the Ultra 24 hour road cycling event. This is a non-drafting RAAM (Race Across America) qualifying event. Needless to say he qualified. Bike Sebring Results

Congratulations to Rick and Shey, these rider are making me proud while validating my coaching techniques.

Posted by dancoy at 11:29 PM | Comments (1)

February 20, 2005

New Car

Rachel's old car was becoming too expensive to maintain so we decided it was time to spring for a new ride. I was called to fill in for an ailing guitarist at the last minute and was unable to go to the negotiations, but Rachel and her Mom pulled off a pretty decent deal on a new Civic.

Posted by dancoy at 12:52 PM | Comments (0)

February 19, 2005

Henna Tattoo

Friday night Rachel came home from school and brought her henna tattoo stuff. We had a little tattoo party. Rachel did a pattern on my leg and then she did her foot. Later I did a couple on Bev's legs and one on my wrist.

I got quite a few interesting comments on the GTC group bike ride the next morning, everything from "He should be banned from this group" to "Where can I get one like that?".

Posted by dancoy at 12:45 PM | Comments (0)

February 16, 2005

TT Action Photos

20050212_tt_01.jpg 20050212_tt_02.jpg
20050212_tt_03.jpg 20050212_tt_04.jpg

BirdsEyeView.net photos

Posted by dancoy at 10:40 AM | Comments (2)

February 14, 2005

Happy Valentines Day


for my girls

Posted by dancoy at 11:56 AM | Comments (2)

February 13, 2005

Official TT #2 Results

It looks like I was about 11th fastest overall on this day (8th fastest in the series), with a time that would have put me in the top 3 of the Cat I-II or Masters 35+. I was a little embarrassed that none of the top local 45+ racers came out, making me look like I was sandbagging in my age group. Where was P. Bonfiglio, G. Turner, S. Simpson and D. Moye? I'm sure that I'll be going head-to-head with the top regional guys soon enough and there will no more lopsided victories.
Official TT #2 Results

The lowest combined times from the two events (like a stage race) determined the series results.
Official TT Series Results

Directory of images from Marshall's camera

Posted by dancoy at 03:11 PM | Comments (0)

February 12, 2005

Photos Tundra TT #2

I improved on last week's effort and turned a much better ride this morning, winning the day and the overall series for the Masters 45+ category. Results will be posted soon.

Here's the photos from my camera, (mostly GTC) at Tundra TT #2.

Photo album w/thumbnails

Directory of hi-res images

Photos from Tracy's camera
Directory of hi-res images

Posted by dancoy at 10:32 PM | Comments (0)

February 08, 2005

Photos Tundra TT #1

Photos from Chris & Eddie
GTC @ 2005 Tundra TT #1 (February 5, 2005)

Directory of hi-res images

Posted by dancoy at 03:04 PM | Comments (1)

February 05, 2005

Official Results

I did win the 45+ category, but even more exciting is that two of my coaching clients each won their respective categories. Both Tracy H. and Rick R. had mid-pack TT finishes last season and after four months of daily coaching they emerged at the top of their fields today. I have to admit I knew Rick was going to win before he started this race, we made the time trial his primary discipline and focus. On the other hand, Tracy has been working on the improving her TT because we perceive it to be her greatest weakness. Not only did she win the Cat IV Women's category but she was third fastest woman of the day, only two Cat I's beat her time!

Tuntra Time Trial #1 Results

I like this coaching thing, it's like winning without all the pedaling!

Posted by dancoy at 11:36 PM | Comments (0)

UNofficial results

Tundra TT #1 -- UNofficial results: 1st place 45+ 23:43 @ 9.5 mi

The legs felt alright, and the warm-up went well, but my stomach was upset when I woke up and wasn't at all happy about the all-out effort at 8:44 AM. The mid-30 degree temperatures added an extra challenge to the event. We'll see how things stacked up when the official results are posted.

Posted by dancoy at 01:05 PM | Comments (0)

February 04, 2005

Warm-up Rehearsal

As strange as it may sound to some folks, there is a calculated and detailed warm-up procedure for a time trial. In fact, the day before a time trial I rehearse the warm-up routine.

Posted by dancoy at 02:02 PM | Comments (2)

February 02, 2005

Tempo Intervals on TT Bike

Got my sights set on the Tundra Time Trial (again) this coming Saturday AM. Today was a good day to stay inside and practice the TT position with "Tempo Intervals". The legs felt good and hopefully they will be there on race day too.

Posted by dancoy at 11:30 PM | Comments (0)


The Torrents are streaming in bit by bit. I've collected a handful of brand new movies and the first seven seasons of "Good Eats" (a cooking show, starring Alton Brown, that's created here in Atlanta and has a cult-like following world-wide). It's also been a good source for new apps, however I still prefer to gather my tunes from places like alt.binaries.sounds.mp3.jazz.

Posted by dancoy at 12:10 PM | Comments (0)

February 01, 2005

Recording Studio - Take One

It's been a few months since I've been in a recording studio. Today Mack and I laid down almost three hours of music at Dogwood Studio in Conyers, GA. All the tracks are sounding good but we won't use but a fraction of them. Initially we are just putting together a new demo, but we are going back next week to do some more recording with some additional players, so we'll see what happens, it may become more than a demo CD.

Posted by dancoy at 10:53 PM | Comments (0)