September 10, 2006

Fort Yargo Cyclocross


Cyclo-cross - If you've never tried cyclocross before, let me tell you: it can be a blast. If you enjoy road riding and mountain biking, cyclocross brings the best of both together with its own unique flavor. This will be the second annual cyclocross event that I have hosted as part of the Georgia Cross Series. There is a ton of work involved but I guess it's a labor of love. I just recently secured the venue, insurance and race permits for this event, so I guess it's time to spread the word.



Georgia Cross Series
GTC - Gwinnett Touring Club
Fort Yargo State Park

Posted by dancoy at 08:40 AM | Comments (0)

September 03, 2006

GTC CX Practice

Every Sunday at 9:30 AM for the past 5 weeks, I have lead a small group of GTC cyclocross racers through skills, drills, and laps around the "secret training location".

(L-R) Adam, Bob, Jim, Wojtek, Billy, Stephen, Jeff, Ben, Shey & Dan

Arachnid passenger on the back of my bike

Posted by dancoy at 02:06 PM | Comments (0)

September 02, 2006

Jittery Joes Mall of GA Ride

The group was small today but included several notable riders from our area. Nathan O'Neill - Pro Cyclist and 7-time Australian National Time Trial Champion, Gregory Somerville - Local Masters racer and endurance rider, Steve Wiley - Regional Cannondale rep, Jason Kreil - Jittery Joes coffee shop owner, Kyle (?) - decent young man in JJ uniform, several others and myself - GeezerJock.

(L-R) Kyle?, Nathan, Jason, ??, Steve, Dan

Post ride chat and cup o' joe.

Posted by dancoy at 07:43 PM | Comments (0)