February 23, 2004

It's Been a Busy Week

I finally have some time and inclination to post something new here. So let me look back and review a few recent highlights.

Music Biz: DC3 performed Valentine's night at the Piedmont Driving Club with Mack McKibben and Keith Runfola. It was a very exclusive party in a great sounding room that included a beautiful sounding grand piano. We were briefly joined by a older gentleman with a clarinet. The man is apparently an extremely successful doctor and told me he is a professor at Emory, everyone at the Piedmont Driving Club knew and loved this guy. His clarinet playing was fair but he was totally oblivious to "jam session etiquette".

The next evening the Duo performed at an enjoyable wedding near the horse park in Conyers. I pulled in after driving for an hour, to discover I had arrived without my guitar! Wow, talk about a "senior moment" -- I had done that once before about 15-20 years ago at the Café 290. Anyway, there was some time to spare so Bev met me halfway with my instrument and no one was the wiser.

Again, the following night (Monday), I spent 6+ hours in Dogwood Recording Studio recording a demo with Moxie. Geez! well over 50 songs, actually partial songs, like just a verse or chorus or whatever for demo purposes.

The usual Tu-W-Th at Violette with the Duo, a sweet gig that is easy, fun and usually musically satisfying.

This past Saturday I was on stage at the Debussy ballroom in Château Élan with Susan Taylor performing for a big fancy wedding. The families were all doctors and the bride's family was Jewish, so we got to play a rousing medley of Hora's while everyone danced around and around with the couple being hoisted up in chairs. Ya know, it's funny kids think they invented "crowd surfing" and the "mosh pit", but it's a really old concept, folks!

Yesterday (Sunday) afternoon I was part of a really big concert that Mack put together, it was a benefit for children with special needs. I performed with Peter Vogl, Jan Smith, David Leonard, Derek St. Holmes, Susan Taylor, Dave Lienweber, Marshal Choka, George Sandler, and several more... We played a bunch of Allman Brothers songs, and lots of crowd-pleasing hits from the Classic Rock and R&B eras.

Tonight (Monday) I head back down to Dogwood Studio to put some finishing touches on the Moxie demo recording.

Notable Family Activities: We celebrated Ruth's 24th birthday and Friday night the entire family went out to dinner and then down to Phillips Arena to see the Ringling Bros. & Barnum Baily circus - cotton candy and everything. That was great!

Health & Fitness: It's sad. The heart problems have resurfaced and have totally stopped ALL my fitness activities. Not a single bike ride or even a walk since the Feb 10th ride! The current suspected, although still undiagnosed, condition is cardiac infection or myocarditis. I am facing a relatively long period of enforced inactivity, probably several months. Hopefully I will eventually get the guts or motivation to go to a cardiologist. I just fear that it will cost a fortune and I will get little to no actual help.

Posted by dancoy at February 23, 2004 11:50 AM