July 17, 2004

Week Wrap-up

Music Biz: The usual Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings at Violette playing jazz with Mack. Last night Mack, Tina and I performed at a baseball complex in Covington, GA rocking out and playing the Star Spangled Banner for the season's opening ceremonies and fireworks show. Tonight is a big fat wedding at the Atlanta Athletic Club along with Moxie.

Health: Dr. Tanner was not real impressed with the scan done by the radiology technicians last monday, but he says the liver lesions are likely hemangioma and wants to check them again in December.

Fitness: This was a planned "rest week" for my cycling activities, that doesn't mean I didn't workout, but reduced the intensity and durations. After 4 weeks of being back on the bike I am about half way through a rebuilding "base" phase with a possible eye on the upcoming Georgia Cyclocross season.

Today's Workout: Indoors on the trainer along with the CTS "TrainRight Climbing Workout" video. Keeping my HR at about 130-133 for the intervals, the overall workout looks like this:

  • 5:00 warm up (2 x :30 sprints)
  • 10:00 MuscleTension (2 x 5:00 @ 50-55 rpm)
  • 10:00 ClimbingRepeat (80-85 rpm)
  • 10:00 ClimbingRepeat (alternating 1 minute of 60 & 90 rpm)
  • 5:00 cool down

Posted by dancoy at July 17, 2004 02:09 PM