August 02, 2004

Life is a Balance

The effects of training and practice are temporary. You cannot put fitness and form in the bank. If inactive, you will lose it much faster than it took to get it. My entire persona is influenced by this knowledge, I have to constantly train and practice for the sake of my mental and emotional well-being.

So, I train and practice nearly every day to preserve what I have attained as well as to secure what is yet to be. There can be no let up. If I don't train and practice, I will eventually lose everything I've worked for -- and my future too.

Of course goals need to realistically take lifestyle and priorities into account. Sure it would be great to win races against guys half your age or fit into the jeans you wore in high school or be able to express freely through music and art, but what do you have to give up to get there: family, friends, income, insurance, retirement, good food, reliable vehicle? Life is a balance, and priorities will fluctuate, and it's alright as long as you remain committed and honest.

People start looking for shortcuts when they lose respect for their goals (i.e. fast foods, lottery, diet pills, insurance scams, and worse). If you don't care enough about the goal to do the work to achieve it, you should find a goal that you're more passionate about.

Posted by dancoy at August 2, 2004 10:47 AM