August 24, 2004

Save the TT Wheels

I took off on the TT bike and rolled over the Cedars TT course for a run-through with the competition equipment. Just as I got to the start line it started to rain, but the sky was mostly still blue so I decided to just go ahead with the time trial. Just a little over two minutes into what felt like a great effort, the front tire went flat. This is not unusual because when the rain first starts the debris in the road often sticks to the tires. A shard of glass had worked it's way through the tire casing.

Brother Dean happened to be nearby and came to my rescue and saved the day. That would have been a long walk home barefoot and shouldering a bike.

At home I repaired the tri-spoke then set it aside and took the disc wheel off the TT bike as well. It's just too big a gamble to practice with those expensive competition wheels. I put on my trusty Ksyrium wheels, strapped on the saddle bag (containing tools and spares) and headed back over to finish the workout.

Cedars Road Time Trial
Tuesday, August 24, 2004 3:30 PM
Distance 3.0 miles

Duration 0:06:55.7

Average Heart Rate 164 bpm
Maximum Heart Rate 166 bpm

Average Speed 26.02 mph

Past 9-Weeks - Time in HR Zones

[click to enlarge]

Posted by dancoy at August 24, 2004 04:36 PM