August 30, 2004

Moving On

Music Biz: Yesterday Mack & I had a gig at the grand opening event of Rich's Macy's in Douglasville, Georgia. Talk about slightly bizarre, we were setup in the women's dress department just across from the jewelry. I felt like I was in one of those weird mockumentary-type movies... OK whatever, this agent always pays well and usually books us in very sophisticated situations and he apologized this morning.

Entertainment: Doom 3 has been on my computer for a little over a week now and I am really impressed with this game! I even dug around and found the original Doom, released in 1993, and reinstalled it just to revisit the game that created an entire genre, the first-person shooter.

Fitness & Health: Cutting out the coffee seems to be a good thing. It's an addiction and I'll eventually get over it.

Enjoyed a good road ride yesterday, and today I started my workout with a fairly easy 1.5 mile run up Waldrop Road. Next I got on the bike and motored around the 35-mile Blackjack loop and included 2x20-minute intervals just below anaerobic threshold. It was a hard workout, but I felt pretty decent afterward.

Previously I was focused on the GA TT championship, but it wasn't meant to be this year, so now I aim at the next targets; 2004 cyclocross and the 2005 road season. I don't know why I am driven to drag this old carcass around the race course again, I just know that putz-ing around with a group of cyclo-tourists doesn't provide enough stimulation and as long as I feel this way I will continue to train to race - I don't care if they start clocking me with a calendar!

Posted by dancoy at August 30, 2004 04:30 PM