March 22, 2005

First Spring Storm

With the inevitable storm on the horizon, I called Doug and suggested an earlier start to the day's ride. Mostly on the front, I steadily motored around the Old Thompson Mill loop with Doug in tow. The pace may have felt hard on still weary legs, but it was mostly "piano" as they say in the peloton, however relentlessly steady.

As we approached the final climbs up Sunny Hill Road, I announced that we were on a pace that was far better than recent times around the same loop. With the enthusiasm of being nearly finished and achieving an above average pace on this blustery day, Doug spun up over the climb and cranked the big-ring all the way to the line, putting an exclamation point on the end of a good effort.

Upon arriving home and checking the local radar, I felt there was just enough time for taking the canine crew around the Ravine Loop once. We loaded in the car and pulled into Little Mulberry Park about 15 minutes later. With the thunder rolling through the ravine and an ominous looking sky on the horizon, the dogs ran unleashed. I jogged at a pace barely a notch above a brisk walk while Samantha leapt and bounded through the fields, ravine, creeks and river with the speed an agility of a gazelle. Django, with all his youthful enthusiasm, was no match for the lean, muscular and born-to-run Samantha. Django's mostly Cocker Spaniel genetics probably give him an advantage intellectually and emotionally, but I assure you that he didn't let that short stocky little body hamper his enjoyment of the moment.

Soaking wet from the splashing in the creeks, we piled back in the car and cooled down by hanging out the windows while I piloted us toward the drive-thru Starbucks. Hand wrapped around a triple Grandé Latté w/Sweet & Low I made it home and sank into a hot bath.

The storm is upon us in earnest now, so I think I'll just sit on the couch and play my acoustic guitar for a while.

Posted by dancoy at March 22, 2005 02:49 PM

sounds pleasant. i'm glad you're feeling better.

Posted by: Rachel at March 22, 2005 03:54 PM

Thanks, I am finally sleeping well again, and my resting pulse is 38 bpm. That cold was no fun.

Posted by: Dan at March 22, 2005 10:31 PM