August 02, 2005

Cyclocross Course Creation

With the Gainesville College venue no longer being an option for my cyclocross race this Fall, I'm now looking at Fort Yargo State Park for race course options.

Yesterday I met with the Park Ranger, who was enthusiastic but doesn't know what cyclocross racing is. They have had successful triathlons, mountain bike and adventure races out there but no 'cross racing. So he said just ride around and figure out what is needed and he'll try to accommodate.

Last evening I rode around with Tracy H., who lives a few miles away from the park and knows all the trails. She showed me some course options but nothing that was really perfect, still too much single-track.

This morning while riding around the park with Doug, teaching him some basic off-road biking skills, I found a few more course options but still not the perfect loop.

I have found a good paved start/finish area, pavilion for registration, grassy field for the barriers, a short section of overgrown dirt road and even a sandy beach with a steep hill climb out of it. There are two sections that connect it all which I am still not sure about.

Posted by dancoy at August 2, 2005 03:23 PM