October 04, 2005

Good News

The price of gas continues to rise...

Bicycle sales boom in US amid rising gas prices

I can hardly wait until this country runs out of gas and the roads go back to the cyclist. Yes I said "back to..." because guess who lobbied for all the paved roads in this country starting back in 1880, not the motorist (there were none), and not the horses? You guessed it, the League of American Wheelmen, currently known as the League of American Bicyclists.

Nonmotorized transportation worked for people for about a million years, it's only been in this last century around here that folks have decided walking (and bicycling) is not a viable transportation solution.

Posted by dancoy at October 4, 2005 05:07 PM

This is a great article. There needs to be a push away from the gas guzzlers as well as a push to better physical health. Bicycles are a means of achieving both goals. I see more cycles around here plus there are more bicycle paths and lanes being added all the time.

Posted by: Dad at October 5, 2005 09:56 PM