June 18, 2006

Helen Fat Tire Festival

Thanks to #1 daughter, Ruth, for support and bottle hand up. I couldn't have done it without her. Fantastic Father's Day!

Sport 50+ Race: I had a good start and held the lead for well over 45 minutes (good for a 'cross race), but in the end a Florida rider caught, passed and totally out-climbed me, winning by over a minute. I guess my excess 25 pound weight advantage was not enough to make it up on the descents ;-) Unofficial lap times suggest that I may have started a bit too fast; 43:40 & 44:20. All in all it was a fun race and I am relieved to finish in one piece.

I am always happier with a second place in a hard fought competition than first place in an overwhelming victory (see East Macon Park). Of course first place in a hard fought competition is the most desirable!

Race Photo, leading the first lap
Final results

Posted by dancoy at June 18, 2006 04:46 PM