February 22, 2008

The End of the Oil Era

The 20th century was powered by oil. It was an era that saw the development of new technologies that greatly improved the quality of life. But the end of the oil-driven era is inevitable, and so the challenge now is to consolidate the gains achieved with fossil fuels and move beyond this finite resource. Meanwhile develop energy sources with less of an environmental impact - for goodness sake!

It is human nature to fear the unknown -- the end of cheap oil -- and to want to delay its arrival for as long as possible. However the sooner we take intelligent and decisive action, the less traumatic it will be.

OK here's a clue; Shanghai has banned bicycles from the city streets. How long do you think the oil will last when China and India are driving cars like we do?

Hello, is anyone awake out there?

Posted by dancoy at February 22, 2008 06:09 PM