November 28, 2005

sadistic pleasure?

OK folks, that is just plain creepy. I check my webstats and see lots of people, many of them repeat vistors, searching out this photo...
road rash
dude, it's just a scrape. While riding my TT bike on a wet downhill, a car forced me to slam on the brakes. I went down and slid on the pavement, the driver laughed and drove off. I documented my injury, what's so fascinating? Does anyone want to see the scars?

Posted by dancoy at 11:37 AM | Comments (3)

November 26, 2005

Indian Removal From Georgia

While the African-American people were forced into incomprehensible slavery here in the South, they never had to face government sponsored genocide nor were they gathered up and sent on a "leaky boat to Africa". However the native Americans were considered nothing more than an obstacle to the white men, thus they became the victims of Andrew Jackson's piece of legislation called the "Indian Removal Act". To enforce the Indian Removal the U.S. government sent in 7,000 troops, who forced the Cherokees into stockades at bayonet point. They were not allowed time to gather their belongings, and as they left, whites looted their homes. Then began the Trail of Tears march, in which thousands of Cherokee people died of cold, hunger, and disease on their way to the western lands.

Indian Removal from Georgia - Trail Where They Cried

Posted by dancoy at 10:38 AM | Comments (2)

November 25, 2005

Making Spirits Bright

Drive Time (Mack, Dan, Eric, Keith & Marshall) performed for a jazzy Christmas tree lighting in Helen. It was cool.

Helen, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains on the Chattahoochee River, is a Southerner's re-creation of an alpine village complete with cobblestone alleys and old-world towers (and Confederate flags flying outside the tattoo parlors). This Northeast Georgia village, located in Nacoochee Valley, has a rich history linked to Mississippian, Paleoindian and Indian with at least four major burial mounds. This was native American land from prehistoric time until 1838 when the Cherokee were stripped of their rights and forced to move against their will on "The Trail of Tears". They were replaced by white settlers who arrived to mine for gold and cut virgin timber. In 1913 the Valley was named "Helen”, after the daughter of the railroad surveyor.

Posted by dancoy at 07:53 PM | Comments (0)

November 21, 2005

Jazz and Wyeth

Tonight Dan, Mack, Eric and Keith played at the Wieland Grand Lobby in the new building added on the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. In attendance were all the directors, benefactors, philanthropists, supporters and patrons of the arts, as well as Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus who recently donated the Georgia Aquarium here in Atlanta.

After we played a couple of creative sets of well-received jazz we went upstairs and took a private tour of the Andrew Wyeth exhibit. Approximately one hundred tempera paintings, watercolors, and drawings, many from the personal collection of Andrew and Betsy Wyeth. Being a long-time fan of Wyeth's work, it was awesome to see the real paintings in person. Very inspirational. Andrew Wyeth: Memory & Magic

Posted by dancoy at 10:56 PM | Comments (1)

November 18, 2005


Many may outlast, few will outlive.

Posted by dancoy at 10:57 PM | Comments (1)

Little Mulberry Photos

Few things relax me and bring my heart rate down like a long walk in the woods. Wojtek inspired me to explore the new (and some very old) trails that are being developed down toward the lake at Little Mulberry Park. This is going to be a great place for many to recreate (does that word really mean re-create?). For now, not many venture down there, so the dogs ran freely without leashes. Nice day for a walk.
Little Mulberry Photos

Posted by dancoy at 04:33 PM | Comments (2)

My Interpretation

Several people asked me to explain the meaning of yesterday's "poem". It's about my job playing music at Violette Restaraunt.

Gallic : relating to Gaul or France; French.

a cappuccino eve in the din of conversations : Shahid makes the best capuccinos, bar none, and the evening begins.

the short-wave end of the visible spectrum : VIOLET

vibrates without a lyric : It's instrumental music, no singing.

jazz is a teacher located where time is free
funk is a preacher sync-ing in a pocket :
This is Mack and Dan.

during a pause salad brethren pass the bacon : Taking a dinner break.

originators of organically organ-ized auditory impressions
...on someone's birthday :
This is Mack and Dan jamming on "Happy Birthday", and the waiter/waitress often scores some extra tips for this.

about waitress booty and large tips : "booty" as in award, or gain, not slang for buttocks... although the phoenetic sound of those words makes me laugh.

expeditious twelve bar or prehistoric swing takes it home : Usually playing a fast swing blues or "The Flintstones" signals the end of the evening's performance.

g'night y'all : is what Mack and Dan say to the customers as they leave.

Posted by dancoy at 12:07 PM | Comments (0)

November 17, 2005

Working in a Gallic Hue

a cappuccino eve in the din of conversations
the short-wave end of the visible spectrum vibrates without a lyric

jazz is a teacher located where time is free
funk is a preacher sync-ing in a pocket

during a pause salad brethren pass the bacon

originators of organically organ-ized auditory impressions
...on someone's birthday

about waitress booty and large tips

expeditious twelve bar or prehistoric swing takes it home

g'night y'all

Posted by dancoy at 10:37 AM | Comments (0)

Instead of Sleep

Full moon and opium-induced psychotic dreams.

Posted by dancoy at 10:18 AM | Comments (0)

November 16, 2005

Georgia Cross - Denied

Finally feeling better now but I haven't been on a bike since the Augusta race. I did rearrange my gig schedule so I could go to NC races this weekend but I doubt I can be competitive after nearly two weeks of illness, so I'll probably save my money and energy.

The December gig schedule is slammed so I can't race at all then (I hate to just hand Lamar the State Champion jersey without some competition - oh well), that only leaves Covington for me.

Posted by dancoy at 11:42 AM | Comments (0)

Blog Birthday

Gave birth to his blog two years ago today.

Posted by dancoy at 12:01 AM | Comments (0)

November 15, 2005

Doctor Visit

OK finally went to see the doc, well RN actually. Got me some antibiotic pills and some codine-type syrup to help with sleep. The pills create a metallic taste and the syrup didn't make me sleep instead it was like a narcotic, nodding-out sort of daze. Modern Western medicine just seems so primitive some how.

The nurses did have a fun time with various heart rate measuring devices. I guess they had a hard time believing my resting pulse was in the low 40's. I told them it's even lower when I'm not sick.

Posted by dancoy at 10:53 AM | Comments (0)

November 14, 2005

Chest Cold

It's been a tough week and weekend, due to a terrible chest cold (maybe Bronchitis), but I am fighting it!

Posted by dancoy at 09:32 AM | Comments (2)

November 12, 2005

Derailed by Rhinovirus

With the cyclocross season well under way and racing every single weekend, missing even one event can knock a rider out of contention in the overall series standings. Unfortunately, that will be me this weekend. Somewhere last weekend, probably in that cheap hotel in Greensboro, I was exposed to and infected with one of the more than 250 variations of Rhinoviruses -- the common cold!

All week it has been sore throat, stuffy nose, cough and mild fever. Although I've been treating the cold with rest, lots of fluids, home-made chicken soup, vitamin C, zinc lozenges, various aromatherapy (eucalyptus oil, menthol, tea tree oil and even apple cider vinegar), the virus has not yet completely run it's course and I will have to forfeit this weekend's race - a race which I could have probably ridden well at.

The plan was to have a fairly secure placing near the top of the overall cyclocross series standings by the end of November. Because my music performance schedule is so over-booked every December with holiday parties, I can't possibly race then. Too bad, because that's when they have planned the State Championship and double-points race. As a result there are only two races left for me, one being an expensive out-of-town trip with a low probability of scoring high series points.

It now looks like it is time to shift my priority to the 2006 road season and let go of this cyclocross season.

Posted by dancoy at 10:39 AM | Comments (0)

November 07, 2005

It's The Time Of The Season

...for revisiting the sacred valley of two creeks, a.k.a. the "Ravine Loop" at little Mulberry Park. It's peaceful at this time, other than the constant low din of the machine age in the distance, the only other sound is the occasional nut falling from a tree and rustling of leaves as squirrels busily gather them up.

It's just about peaceful enough to sense the history in this hallow. I believe it's more than a little canyon, it's a passageway to inspiration, to tranquility, to fulfillment, and more.

more images in this photo gallery

Posted by dancoy at 07:02 PM | Comments (1)

Augusta Cyclo-Cross Race

We don't even bother to take the "podium picture" anymore, it's always basically the same. This weekend it was Gerard remaining undefeated, while Lamar and I switched spots again on the 2nd and 3rd place steps. In the overall series Lamar and I are tied for points in second place.




Posted by dancoy at 11:15 AM | Comments (0)

November 05, 2005

DC3 @ PGA Tour Championship

The Dan Coy Trio (w/Mack & Keith) was hired to perform at the East Lake Golf Club last Wednesday for some sort of golf thingy. I had no idea that it was a big deal until I read about it in the local newspaper the day before the event started.

We arrived early, as per the contract, and a crew of people loaded our instruments onto several big golf carts, parked our cars and escorted us through the security gates, past the crowds of press people, and into the clubhouse.

I wouldn't know a pro golfer if he was standing right in front of me, however a particularly attractive woman stood in front of me for quite a while, and was somewhat distracting even to an old man like me.

Dean called me the next day and asked if I had seen Elin Nordegren at the reception. I didn't know who he was talking about, so he informed me about Tiger Wood's new wife, a former Swedish model. So I looked it up and yes, that was the woman who I saw at the reception, no doubt!
Elin Nordegren Gallery

Posted by dancoy at 10:21 AM | Comments (0)

November 03, 2005

Global Warming

It's just stupid to deny it, even the energy industry sponsored scientific nay-sayers have to admit that Greenhouse physics are real. What is debatable is the predictions and to what extent global warming poses a threat to humanity.

Wednesday November 2, 2005 Tony Blair addresses the G8 climate change summit in London saying, "The blunt truth about the politics of climate change is that no country will want to sacrifice its economy in order to meet this challenge".
Blair signals shift over climate change

Openly and unapologetically, ExxonMobil, the world's No. 1 oil company disputes the notion that fossil fuels are the main cause of global warming. Along with the Bush administration, Exxon opposes the Kyoto accord and the very idea of capping global-warming emissions.
ExxonMobil Thumbs Its Nose at Climate

It's safe to say that the North American continent is currently being ruled by the stupid.

Posted by dancoy at 09:43 AM | Comments (0)