January 30, 2007


A motorist, who appeared slightly intoxicated, drove alongside Doug and I while we were cycling on a quiet rural road in Hall county this afternoon.

Motorist: "Do you know how dangerous it is to ride bicycles here? Can't you find somewhere else to ride?"

Doug: "Thank you for your concern."

Motorist: [now irate and addressing me] "Have you ever seen dead people? Someone is going to kill you."

Dan: "I have served this country overseas, I am a patriot and I earned this little piece of the road."

Motorist: "Nobody cares about that. You're going to get hit."

Dan: "I've been hit."

Finally the motorist speeds off and out of sight. I never mentioned that my service overseas was as a musician in a USO band. However I have survived several decades of cycling on public roads and have been hit seriously by motor vehicles at least a half dozen times in my life, mostly intentional but some just negligence.

Posted by dancoy at 10:35 PM | Comments (0)

January 28, 2007

Dans Macabre - Jan 28

[message posted on GTC forum after the ride]

The wind was fierce and everyone who did this ride deserves a medal!

Theron set the tone of the ride from the start and then many strong riders came to the front and offered powerful pulls. As the slowly shrinking peloton got to Campton the average speed was 22.5 mph.

By the time we reached the top of Stock Rd. the pack was now only Tracy, Theron and Dan with Eggy yo-yo-ing off the back.

Tracy relentlessly went to the front and did countless impressive pulls. But when we turned into the wall of wind, Theron pulled out the Hammer of Thor and brutally crushed the invisible foe.

Without question Theron ruled and Tracy enforced, or vice-versa. Either way these two each *EARNED* their t-shirts.

[message posted the day before the ride]

Message: Sunday Forecast

Cloudy 38°F (feels like 30°F)
Wind from WNW 15-20 mph

Ain't Skeered of Dans Macabre

Anyone who takes more pulls on the front than me earns a free t-shirt. Wheel suckers use the order form below.

Macabre order form

As we approached Lawrence Rd (dirt) and the final miles Tracy, who had served above and beyond the call, turned back to retrieve Eggy. Then Thor, err I mean Theron, escorted me back the parking lot - OK I admit to crying "uncle" at this point and begged the God of Thunder to ease up the pace.

Epic day in the saddle, thanks to all.

(L-R) Tim, Sean, Matt, Tracy, Theron, David, Marshall, Doug, Wojtek, Eggy, Jeff and Dan

then there were two

Posted by dancoy at 06:14 PM | Comments (0)

January 24, 2007

Dan & Mack

Posted by dancoy at 12:30 PM | Comments (0)

January 21, 2007

Hard Ride

It was cold, windy and eventually rained on us. I think everyone suffered sufficiently.

(L-R) Doug, Tracy, Shawn, Eric, Marshall, Theron, Wojtek and Dan

Posted by dancoy at 03:34 PM | Comments (0)

January 19, 2007

Dans Macabre Logo


I will be ordering a bunch of custom hand screened t-shirts from Lo-Fi Customs in San Fransisco.

FYI that's DANS MACABRE without an apostrophe because it's better perceived as a [un]intentional typo rather than a possessive.

Posted by dancoy at 11:19 AM | Comments (0)

January 18, 2007

Nicotine Addiction

A Harvard University study finds that from 1998 to 2005, the amount of Nicotine in cigarettes rose an average of 11 percent, regardless of whether the cigarettes were menthol, full flavor, light or ultralight.

"It was systematic, it was pervasive, it involved all the manufacturers, and it was by design. Cigarettes are finely tuned drug delivery devices designed to perpetuate a tobacco pandemic," said Dr. Howard Koh, an associate dean at the Harvard School of Public Health.

Philip Morris USA agrees that cigarettes are addictive and harmful. Lorillard Tobacco and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco did not comment.

After 25 years of smoking cigarettes I fought this addiction and one thing that helped me stop was the following quote.
David Goerlitz, the former Winston Man, asked RJ Reynolds executives, "Don't any of you smoke?" One executive answered, "Are you kidding" We reserve that right for the poor, the young, the black, and the stupid." (As quoted in a New York Times editorial by Bob Hebert, Nov. 1993)
I figured since I was not poor, young or black then I must be the stupid. Gee thanks for clearing that up for me!
Posted by dancoy at 05:13 PM | Comments (0)

January 16, 2007

Unforgivable Blackness

I watched a great show on PBS last night, probably Ken Burns at his best. A documentary of the life of Jack Johnson, the first African-American pop icon. Johnson was a pretty smart guy and a gutsy rebel. He wore expensive clothes, had gold caps on his teeth, drove race cars, kept lots of white women and enjoyed playing the bass. He was both admired and feared and in 1908 became the first black heavyweight boxing champion of the world.

Official Website:Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson

I've seen this DVD at Costco for $14.99.

Posted by dancoy at 05:23 PM | Comments (0)

Cool Weather Riding

Cloudy, 15 mph winds, high in the low 40's... this is more like it!

Riding in the chilly air feels good to me as long as my toes, fingers and ears are protected. Some of my winter riding stuff...

* Freddys Choice Warm Up Xtra
* Craft baselayer
* Descente long sleeve jersey
* Pearl Izumi Cyclone Glove
* Pearl Izumi Microsensor Headband
* DeFeet Keekers, ArmSkins, SlipStream and Wooleator socks
* neoprene booties (cold)

Posted by dancoy at 01:04 PM | Comments (0)

January 15, 2007

Warm weather sends chill

There is quite a lot of music from the little dinosaurs in my yard this morning. At least a dozen different varieties of songbirds, Mourning Dove, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Robins, even a woodpecker hammering away at a tree. Proclaiming their rites of spring already or just fooled by this midwinter warm spell?

Even my unscientific records and ride logs kept since the 1980's indicate the winters are milder now than in the past. Maybe I'm just paranoid because I watched "An Inconvenient Truth" recently.

Posted by dancoy at 10:06 AM | Comments (0)

January 14, 2007

Dans Macabre

(L-R) Marshall, Stephen, Doug, Wojtek, Theron, Tracy, Shawn, Bob, Curtis, Jeff

Posted by dancoy at 02:13 PM | Comments (0)

January 13, 2007

Jittery Crowd

Posted by dancoy at 03:05 PM | Comments (0)

January 07, 2007

Photo Shop

Porch pansies

Porch eve

Posted by dancoy at 09:26 PM | Comments (1)

January 06, 2007

Flowering Herb

This plant grows in my front yard and it smells and taste wonderful. I don't know why it is flowering now that it is winter though.

Posted by dancoy at 09:14 AM | Comments (2)

January 03, 2007

Prize Evaluation

Looking back, good fortune was with me at the 2006 Georgia Cross Series and many fine prizes were awarded. The ones that meant the most to me are;
1. State Champion jersey
2. State Champion medal
3. Fort Yargo trophy

Other prizes awarded; my choice of Thomson products (stem and post), my choice of Teva products (shoes), Pedros Super pit kit, gift cards, Nike 7 star cap, chamois creme, frame/fork, DVD's, t-shirt, leader's jersey...

My choice of Teva shoes and Thomson components.

Posted by dancoy at 02:15 PM | Comments (3)

January 02, 2007

2007 GTC Photo

2007 New Years Day congregation at the center of the GTC universe - Gratis, GA

Posted by dancoy at 05:01 PM | Comments (0)