Comments: Van Gogh to Mondrian

My favorite Van Gogh is Flowering Almond Branch - I remember being amazed when I saw it, it was so unlike what I 'knew' his work to be. It's simple and still and so quiet - just lovely.

Yeah, I like it.

I have a tattered postcard of the image, that I purhcased at the VG museum in Netherlands. I keep it pinned to my corkboard.

Posted by Livinia Redlips at November 1, 2004 03:27 AM

Is it this one?
Blossoming Almond Branch in a Glass

Posted by Dan at November 1, 2004 09:52 AM

It's not - I searched and could not find it. I'll take a photo of the print and post it on my deal-y.

Posted by LR at November 1, 2004 02:19 PM

It is great that you and your family had yesterday together. The visit to the museum is icing on the cake. Your mother and I had the privilege to visit the Van-Gogh museum in Amsterdam back in the early 70s.
I do not believe it is necessary to be left of center to enjoy life to the fullest and have ideas. Politicians would like us to believe that way but aging tends to make one perhaps more conservative as wants become less central to living and relationships and family become much more important.

Posted by ABC at November 1, 2004 03:05 PM