Comments: The Ugly Truth

Baseline - a good diet has no substitute, but you can also derive great benefit from intelligently chosen supplements. An unfortunate but often unaviodable result of our "advanced" modern lifestyle is a lack of time to prepare good whole foods. There are lots of meal replacement drinks and bars available which can offer complete nutrition solutions, but as with any processed food - buyer beware! Most bars and drinks contain high levels of sugar and saturated fats, and claim their benefits by the amount of vitamins, minerals contained. A careful review of the nutritional benefits in conjunction with the fat and sugar content can give you a small meal bar with the nutritional punch of a good meal. I like the ZonePerfect bars, and EAS has some good offerings as well with their AdvantEdge Ready-to-Drink line.

Posted by TheronC at September 26, 2005 09:40 AM