Comments: Halloween Hike up Blood Mountain

Howdy Hi Coyboy! I enjoyed your movie! It's nice to see little Ruthie. It's been way too long. Saw your bro Doug and his clan recently. Went to watch Matt run. Got to thinking about you as I was looking around the web for used PA equipment...not that you're used equipment...well I mean I don't think of you that way...I was the music connection thing...yeah that's it. Say hi to your fambly.

Posted by Spriggsy at November 1, 2005 04:35 PM

Howdy Spriggsy. I recently shopped for PA systems for our local cyclo-cross series and found some good systems.

Yamaha EMX5000-12/S115V PA Package

Although they look different, I've heard great results with Bose Personalized Amplification Systems & Fender Passport Portable PA systems.

Posted by dan at November 2, 2005 09:55 AM

Our gang spent the weekend camping in Nantahala. Even with 30 degree nights, it seemed pretty green up there, too. Enjoyed a little ride at Tsali, a couple of miles hiking just off the AT, and lots of time around campfires.

Posted by Dean at November 2, 2005 04:30 PM