Comments: Equality For Men

Cover it up, if you don't want, a baby.

Posted by L at March 11, 2006 12:01 AM

I sampled some recent responses to this lawsuit. It think many women are offended, and most men think this guy is a dumbass.

"Roe v. Wade for Men"? A Men's Rights Group Makes A Farfetched Claim for Avoidance of Child Support
By JOANNA GROSSMAN - Mar. 22, 2006

"Men's rights advocates speak more for weasels than men"
By John Bogert - March 16, 2006

Ian Wright's Blog - March 09, 2006


Personally, I can't imagine not wanting to raise your own child. But it doesn't seem fair that a mother can demand the father pay child support and then deny the father any contact with the child.

Posted by dc at March 24, 2006 09:48 AM