Comments: "The Ultimate Sandbagger"

Sounds like Bruce "the idiot " was a speaker .

Good guy but still the idiot , based on things he says .

Congrats on your win . Looks like roadie in you made up for the lost ground on technical sections .

Posted by wojtek at March 18, 2007 05:14 PM

Thanks Wojtek. That was a tough race and I gave it everything I had. Maybe, like the famous gunfighters of the old West, sometimes a reputation grows larger than reality.

Posted by Dan at March 18, 2007 06:50 PM

Yea, Bruce can be "that guy". I guess he runs out of things to say after talking all day. Bud would kill Bruce in a race, next time he should ask him to go a lap heads up!
Didnt see you yesterday Dan or I would have spoke. I was wasted after 5 laps.
We need to get Dean on the bike.......

Posted by Jason Pruitt at March 19, 2007 08:36 AM

Jason, I just looked at the results. Dude, you are riding strong! Eric Murphy was impressive at 'cross this year too.

Posted by dan at March 19, 2007 02:09 PM

Thanks Dan! I feel faster than I ever have it's just that I have some really fast company at the races. I was just giving your bro the race report. You are riding fast as always. I cant seem to "cross over" as well as you. All the years racing MX I guess. Im going to get up there and ride with you guys one weekend.

Posted by Jason Pruitt at March 19, 2007 02:32 PM