February 10, 2004

Wet and Overcast

Coaching Biz: I was working with my athletes this morning for hours. As the 2004 racing season is rapidly approaching and the months of preparing are behind most, the time for race-specific workouts is now upon us. For some, high-priority events are only weeks away, others have their sights set on championships which happen later in the season. Either way the pressure of soon standing on the starting line with a hundred other well-prepared racers is being felt by all, including the coach.

The folks that are putting together the official Tour de Georgia race guide want me to place an ad for my coaching services. I currently have as many athletes as I can handle at this time so I may opt-out.

Health and Fitness: Even though the weather was not very inviting and the activities got started late, I had a good ride around the 25-mile loop with Doug on my wheel most of the way. I'm so glad to be feeling a little better and slowly regaining some of my focus and form.

Posted by dancoy at February 10, 2004 06:17 PM