August 15, 2004

Getting To Know One's Self

That's what happens when you pedal a bicycle over Hogpen Gap. You learn things about yourself. Cyclist may talk about the distance, the elevation, the atmosphere (which is drastically different at the top), the painfully inadequate gearing on the steep parts of the climb or the speed of the death-defying descent. The numbers and descriptions cannot begin to truly portray the experience.

This is how Doug and I started our day. Having ridden the route from Helen, GA over Hogpen to Jacks (Brasstown Bald) and Unicoi Gaps more than a few times, I rode with experience and confidence on my side. However Doug was exploring and discovering the boundaries of his physical and mental limits.

Strength and skills are important on this ride but maybe not as important as determination and concentration. A lapse of concentration may lead to a struggle to maintain or regain pace on a climb which already has a rider on the brink of blowing-up. Doug crossed that line twice on the first climb and was forced to dismount for several moments of recovery. A lapse of concentration during a 40+ mph descent can lead to misjudging a turn and send a rider into the oncoming lane or worse. And there is the possibility of hitting a small rock just the wrong way (you can't possibly see all of them on a high-speed descent) resulting in a flat tire and a hard to control bike.

Sure there were a few incidents on our ride this morning, but overall it's great to be cycling in the North Georgia Mountains and getting to know one's self better.

Posted by dancoy at August 15, 2004 06:08 PM