May 28, 2004

Goings On

Tech News: The new Dell computer arrived a couple hours ago. Here's the specs:

Dimension 8300 Series,Intel Pentium 4 Processor at 3.0GHz w/HT Technology and 1MB cache
512MB DDR SDRAM at 400MHz
19 in (18.0 Viewable) M992 Monitor
128MB DDR NVidia GeForce FX 5200 graphics card
120GB Serial ATA Hard Drive (7200 RPM)
Intel Pro 100M Integrated PCI NIC Card
56K PCI Data Fax Modem
48X CDRW and 8X DVDRW Drive
Sound Blaster Audigy 2 THX Certified Sound card with DVD Audio for Dimension Systems
Altec Lansing THX Certified ADA995 Dobly Digital Speakers with Subwoofer

Health: Results from the ultrasound:

Normal-appearing gallbladder...
...obscured visualization of the pancreas.

Within the liver, there are two areas of somewhat indistinct but persistant increased echogenicity, one measures 16 mm in size and located in the left lobe of the liver, and the other measures just over 1 cm in size and is located near the central aspect of the right lobe of the liver.

...a triphasic CT scan is recommended to confirm that these areas have characteristics of hemangiomas, and for evaluation of the pancreas.

Posted by dancoy at 04:57 PM | Comments (0)

May 26, 2004

Graduation Day

Health & Fitness: Just got in from a short spin around the 12-mile loop. Feel pretty decent but I need to hustle now, get cleaned up and go to the ultrasound appointment.

PM Activities: Ultrasound went OK, results by Friday. Lab results of the recent blood tests were "exceptional", according to a nurse.

Graduation: The Coy clan gathered at the Gwinnett Civic Center for Rachel's high school graduation ceremony. It didn't come a day too soon as poor Rachel was sooo over high school!

Posted by dancoy at 12:54 PM | Comments (0)

May 24, 2004

Group Ride

I actually felt brave enough to go on a group ride this evening. OK, it was only the GTC Monday night Recovery Ride, but I seemed to hang in there alright. In fact I don't seem to be suffering too much at this moment, probably thanks to the Celebrex capsule. I'm sure that I'll find out by the morning if this was a bad idea or not. It sure felt good to be back in the saddle again!

Posted by dancoy at 10:18 PM | Comments (0)

May 22, 2004

What's This?

Health & Fitness: The doctor I saw the other day seems pretty good, his name is Dr. Song Na. I kinda like the sound of that, "Na, na, na, na, hey hey...". He said something that I haven't heard yet, possible gallstone. I am scheduled to go in for an ultrasound of my upper abdominal area next Wednesday. Dr. Na also sent a bunch of blood to the lab and I expect results will be available by Monday.

For the first time in more than 52 days, I went for a bicycle ride. Muscle memory, timing, balance, pedaling technique and overall comfort are still intact, however it did take me a minute to remember how to work all the functions on my Polar 720i computer/HRM.

Posted by dancoy at 01:51 PM | Comments (0)

May 19, 2004

Point Of View

Website Biz: Blue Competition Cycles website launches tomorrow, Maybe I'll get one of these bikes.

Jazz Guitar Biz: DC3 played at the Point Of View lounge atop the Atlanta Hilton this evening.

Health: Tomorrow morning I have an appointment with yet another doctor. He will start with a complete blood test. There was supposedly a complete blood test done at the hospital, but no one can locate those lab results, hmmm...

Posted by dancoy at 11:23 PM | Comments (0)

May 18, 2004

25 Years Later

Silver Anniversary: Twenty-five years ago Bev and I stood on the steps of the Gwinnett Historic Courthouse and had our photo taken by my brothers, Doug and David, who had just witnessed the formalities of our marriage. I will have to dig around in a large box to find that old photo, in fact there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of unmarked photos randomly dumped into that box -- it could take days to find a specific photo.

Posted by dancoy at 04:06 PM | Comments (0)

May 14, 2004

100th Weblog Entry

Triple Digits: This is the 100th entry in this weblog. Gosh, all those words and still didn't really say anything important, maybe I should get into politics.

Health: Being careful not to jinx myself... but my physical condition has been steady and maybe even gradually improving -- knock on wood!

Fitness: Ha, this is a subject that has gone unmentioned here in quite a while. Almost daily walks (twice today) of 1.5 miles, lasting about 25 minutes, have been the routine for the past several weeks. But not just that, Samantha and I decided to not be outdone by those well-behaved "hiking dogs" on the AT, and we have learned to walk together without a leash!

Posted by dancoy at 01:44 PM | Comments (0)

May 10, 2004

Mother's Day

Strange as it seems, there is a red-headed woodpecker in my neighborhood that reminds me of my mother. Every once in a while, very early in the morning, that woodpecker lands right above my bedroom window and, for a few seconds, pecks loudly waking me up. Why does that remind me of my Mom? Maybe because she woke us up in the mornings to go to school, or on the weekends to clean house. Maybe because this particular bird has coincidentally caused me to be conscious when I was unconsciously thinking of my mother. Whatever, on the rare times this bird makes it's presence known to me, I am reminded of Mom, I laugh and say "Alright, I'll get out of bed now".

Yesterday I was a little sad and thinking about my Mom. Then at 11:30 AM as I was about to get in my car to drive to work to play at a "Mother's Day Brunch", I heard a loud short burst of pecking right above me. I looked up and on my front porch roof was a (the?) red-headed woodpecker. Wow! That made me smile. Was it a coincidence? Maybe, but it sure was perfect timing!

New Digital Camera: After 4+ years of faithful service from our old 1 mega-pixel first-generation digital camera, bev and I went shopping and purchased a nice little Fuji A340 4 mega-pixel digital camera ($250). Bev took a photo of her Mother's Day flowers and I snapped a shot of the clan on the back porch.

Posted by dancoy at 11:16 AM | Comments (0)

May 06, 2004


Radiology Report: Findings from the Barium Swallow: Small sliding hiatal hernia with gastroesphageal reflux. Dr. Liotta prescribed Protonex 40mg.

Yeah right, whatever.

Going back to my little world of sports medicine, nutrition, massage, chiropractic and other homeopathic resources, I believe some positive results are coming from Bovine Colostrum. I first learned of this product in 1996 from the great cycling scientist, Ed Burke.

Yesterday Rachel and I began another experiment in homeopathic therapy in the form of Kinesio Taping. Again this is something I learned about from the world of cycling, via Lance Armstrong's book entitled "Every Second Counts". I have my left shoulder taped and Rachel has her knees taped -- although I should have taped her nose... yesterday she got it pierced and now there is a stud sticking out of it!

Posted by dancoy at 10:06 AM | Comments (0)

May 03, 2004

Prom Date

May 1, 2004 This photo is Rachel about to leave for her senior prom, while I am on my way to perform with Moxie at the Metropolitan Club.

click on image to enlarge

Posted by dancoy at 09:24 PM | Comments (0)

May 02, 2004

Art Auction

This evening, the band Moxie, performed at the Metropolitan Club following an art auction. I had the chance to look at hundreds of interesting pieces up close. there were originals from LeRoy Neiman, Walt Disney, several regional artists and just far too many to remember. There wasn't anything like a Picasso or Andy Warhol, but I assure that a tremendous amount of money changed hands in that room tonight.

Posted by dancoy at 01:10 AM | Comments (0)