March 30, 2005

News in Dan-land

A bird built a nest in the gutter just outside the window beside my bed. She wakes me most every morning around sunrise but today was also the sound of tiny chirping baby birds.

Speaking of babies, Rachel, now being of legal age, has finally gotten the tattoo she has wanted for so long. Tattoos are so trendy for this generation, I imagine that tattoo removal services will be a profitable business in the coming decades.

Amazingly fine weather here yesterday and today, sure made for a pleasant bike ride this morning. Old friend, cycling partner and mentor, Dr. Pfeiffer is visiting this week from San Diego. He brought his bike so we cruised around the 65-mile Walton County Loop on this fine day. He plans to join GTC on this Saturday's "Ronde Van de Appalachee" spring classic ride.

Posted by dancoy at 02:55 PM | Comments (2)

March 28, 2005

After The Rain

The creeks and falls around the ravine at Little Mulberry Park were swollen from last night's heavy rain. Wojtek had ran the loop early this morning and then phoned me describing the eroded trails and dramatic waterfalls. I was planning a walk/run there today anyway, so I took a little extra time and brought my camera. Photos of the Ravine Loop after a hard rain Mother Nature's gentle reminder that she can reclaim all, anytime.

Posted by dancoy at 04:46 PM | Comments (2)

March 27, 2005

Easter Sunday Walk

It's a foggy and misty day, but I hiked around the ravine at Little Mulberry Park w/Ruth, Rachel and the dogs. Mostly I ran through the woods, not on the path, taking photos of the more remote stone mounds and other less common sights. Easter Sunday 2005 Photos

Posted by dancoy at 02:57 PM | Comments (0)

March 26, 2005

Fourbucks Coffee


After a quick shower and sandwich, Rachel and I headed over to REI to spend our 20% off coupons and cash-in the annual membership refund. But first a stop at the coffee shop for an expensive caffeinated beverage... and a spontaneous photo-op.

Reflections in the window.

Photoshop-ed Rachel.

After perusing the local REI from end to end we finally cashed in our membership dividends. Naturally I bought mostly bike stuff (and a new backpack) and Rachel bought shoes, flip-flops actually.

Posted by dancoy at 07:25 PM | Comments (0)

More Hills and CAAD5

On a time budget today, Theron joined me for a quick 2+ hour spin around the 5-Hills Loop. We attacked the climbs and contested the county line sprints. Not being completely recovered from yesterday's ride in the mountains, I only just hung onto his wheel on the climbs. Today was almost as many total vertical feet as the ride in the mountains yesterday - so much for a recovery ride!

Halfway through the ride we stopped in at Addictive Cycles bike shop and looked at the new CAAD 5 road racing bike I bought for teammate, James Campbell. I donated all the parts from an old bike of mine and got the new frame and fork from our team sponsor. James will repay me this summer when he is home from school and working.

Posted by dancoy at 05:08 PM | Comments (0)

March 25, 2005

Good Friday - Classic 3 Gap

Temperatures in the mid 60's and abundant sunshine provided the perfect setting for this early Spring induction into riding in the mountains again. The first time each year always seems to be the hardest. James and I motored along knocking out the first and hardest half of the ride with a steady hard tempo.

My HRM data indicates I spent 35 minutes at or slightly above my Lactate Threshold. I wasn't going as fast as previous ascents because I still need to lose a half-dozen pounds to get back to race shape.

It was a great and exhilarating workout climbing over 4000 feet in 35 miles. This little challenge leaves one feeling like they really accomplished something in two hours of activity.

Posted by dancoy at 04:32 PM | Comments (0)

March 24, 2005

Brooks/Griffin Photos

I found some photos from the Georgia Cup #1 Brooks/Griffin Omnium which was held last week, March 12-13, 2005. This photo was taken during the Masters 35+ Criterium. I put a few more in my new photo gallery.


Posted by dancoy at 11:52 PM | Comments (0)

March 22, 2005

First Spring Storm

With the inevitable storm on the horizon, I called Doug and suggested an earlier start to the day's ride. Mostly on the front, I steadily motored around the Old Thompson Mill loop with Doug in tow. The pace may have felt hard on still weary legs, but it was mostly "piano" as they say in the peloton, however relentlessly steady.

As we approached the final climbs up Sunny Hill Road, I announced that we were on a pace that was far better than recent times around the same loop. With the enthusiasm of being nearly finished and achieving an above average pace on this blustery day, Doug spun up over the climb and cranked the big-ring all the way to the line, putting an exclamation point on the end of a good effort.

Upon arriving home and checking the local radar, I felt there was just enough time for taking the canine crew around the Ravine Loop once. We loaded in the car and pulled into Little Mulberry Park about 15 minutes later. With the thunder rolling through the ravine and an ominous looking sky on the horizon, the dogs ran unleashed. I jogged at a pace barely a notch above a brisk walk while Samantha leapt and bounded through the fields, ravine, creeks and river with the speed an agility of a gazelle. Django, with all his youthful enthusiasm, was no match for the lean, muscular and born-to-run Samantha. Django's mostly Cocker Spaniel genetics probably give him an advantage intellectually and emotionally, but I assure you that he didn't let that short stocky little body hamper his enjoyment of the moment.

Soaking wet from the splashing in the creeks, we piled back in the car and cooled down by hanging out the windows while I piloted us toward the drive-thru Starbucks. Hand wrapped around a triple Grandé Latté w/Sweet & Low I made it home and sank into a hot bath.

The storm is upon us in earnest now, so I think I'll just sit on the couch and play my acoustic guitar for a while.

Posted by dancoy at 02:49 PM | Comments (2)

Web Photo Gallery

I recently installed this photo Gallery program on several websites that I run. The program is easy to use and has some nice features. Here it is configured for just one user (me), but it can easily host many users accounts. It has features like comments, polls, print services, and slideshows. Users with accounts can create albums, rotate, resize and enhance photos, plus more.

Posted by dancoy at 09:58 AM | Comments (0)

March 21, 2005

Auburn Bethlehem Gratis

Sunday, at 11:00 AM Theron, Doug and I rolled out toward Auburn. It was right after the long descent on Appalachee Church Road, the sharp right at the bottom and into Barrow county, that we encountered the *new gravel* on the dirt road. My rear tire hit a rock just the wrong way and went flat. I used my only spare and we were back on the road to Bethlehem.

The roads were mostly flat and the wind was propelling us all the way out to within about 8 miles of Athens. We turned back in toward Gratis, the center of the known universe to GTC riders. From here we refueled quickly, chatted with some local cyclist briefly and remounted.

A county line sprint led to the pace accelerating and ultimately led to Doug not being able to hang on. Theron and I motored on, contested a couple more sprints and kept the pace brisk.

Opting to return over the *new gravel* on the dirt road, even though Theron suggested bypassing, I flatted again, this time the front. I used Theron's spare tube and C02 and we rolled on. At the final county line sprint back into Gwinnett, I noticed my rear was leaking and nearly flat again. Three flats and I'm out. Theron went on home, I called Bev to pick me up and then sat down and waited.

About 15-20 minutes later Doug arrives looking like he was just about done for the day. He offered his spare but rescue was already on the way. We waited and rode in the car for the final few miles.

It was mostly a good ride totaling 62.2 miles in 3:24 -- basically a nice way to spend the first day of Spring 2005.

Posted by dancoy at 10:56 AM | Comments (0)

March 19, 2005


Microsoft's new anti-spyware tool seems to work well. 'bout time!
Get Firefox, this browser is superior in many ways.

Posted by dancoy at 10:10 AM | Comments (0)

March 18, 2005

another season

right outside my window
willow weeps and sways
cherry pink white blossom

Posted by dancoy at 12:10 PM | Comments (0)

March 15, 2005

Spring Break begins

Rachel took these photos as we drove over to the coffee shop.
Daffodils cover an entire yard nearby. Django hangs out and reflections create an interesting picture. Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.

Posted by dancoy at 12:20 PM | Comments (0)

March 13, 2005

Griffin Criterium and TT - Masters 35+ (45+ bonus)

Griffin Criterium and Greenway Time Trial - Masters 35+ (battle for the 45+ bonus)

The criterium was a short one kilometer course featuring a headwind uphill side, where the Start/Finish was located, and a fast, bumpy downhill side leading to a sharp high-speed turn onto an uneven surface. There was some carnage in this tricky turn on this day, but not in the Masters race.

The usual pre-race favorites started in blazing fashion and in less than 10 laps had lapped nearly the entire field, before it was all over they had nearly lapped everyone again. [Editorial observation: No one can deny the strength and skill of these riders, who are capable of consistent top-5 pro/am finishes, however most everyone questions their sportsmanship - I say if they are not doing anything illegal than everyone should shut up]. Nonetheless a field of more than thirty Masters 35+ (and a few 45+) chose to race in spite of the disparity.

In behalf of the GA Cup series promoter, who do not want to completely alienate all the "Geezer" racers, there is a small bonus offered to the top-5 Masters 45+ who compete in the entire Omnium. Among those Masters 45+ battling for the top-5 bonus, Dan Coy and Phil Bonfiglio led the way. Phil had scored huge in the previous day's road race at Brooks by getting in the breakaway, however Dan came in second in the inner-race for the 45+ bonus with a strong finish among those contesting the road race field sprint.

In the second event of the Masters 35+ Omnium, the 43 minute plus 5 laps Criterium, Dan Coy used the draft of powerful lead group, who were a lap ahead already, to eventually gain a lap on the other 45+ racers. After 6 or 7 laps at the back of this high-speed train, Dan sat up and rode among the lapped 45+ to an eventual 1st place for the 45+ bonus competition. Phil Bonfiglio, who started the day with a point advantage, finished the criterium with a 3rd place in the 45+ bonus skirmish. Hold on to your calculators, this bike racing math can be a little confusing.

Later in the afternoon an 11 kilometer time trial was to be the final event of the Omnium. The course was mostly flat and fast, except at the end was one long small-ring climb into a headwind. The same pre-race favorites took top honors in the Masters 35+ time trial while the inner battle for the 45+ bonus continued with Phil Bonfiglio producing a fantastic ride for a 7th overall and 1st place 45+. Dan Coy suffered on the climb and finished 10 seconds behind Phil resulting in a 9th overall and 2nd place 45+.

Many riders hung around for several hours waiting the results, no one's sure how many days it actually takes to calculate all that (sorry, that's a poor joke at the score keeper's expense). The 45+ riders calculated among themselves, unofficially Dan Coy (scoring two 2nd's and one 1st) was declared the overall 45+ winner with Phil Bonfiglio a very close second (scoring one 1st, one 2nd and one 3rd).

[Be prepared, there may be pop quiz later this week]

Posted by dancoy at 10:20 PM | Comments (0)

March 12, 2005

Brooks Road Race - Masters 35+

Brooks Road Race - Masters 35+
Distance: ~53 miles (2 laps)
Average: >23.5 mph

Gerard Remery, Dan Coy, Marshall Millard and David Nixon lined up in the GTC colors. Although the sun was out and it looked like a nice day for a ride, the winds were greater than 20 mph with occasional gusts over 30 mph. Most all the local riders turned out, and it looked like there were about 60 starters or so. Thankfully, due to the narrow lanes, it was fewer than expected.

In the early part of the race David Nixon and Gerard Remery were either chasing down or in all the moves. As anticipated a serious move formed on the only steep incline, about 17 miles into the course, and a selection was made with a couple riders from the Forum, Gerard and couple of pre-race favorites. The escapees dangled off the front of the peloton for a couple miles, many riders attempted to bridge and one or two made it. Then as we went up the long gradual hill past the feed zone, into a headwind, Tony S. made a move and bridged to the break. That was it, the final selection and the winning break was formed. Dan Coy was happy with this situation, as his teammate Gerard was in the winning break, so he moved to the front to help block along with the other represented teams, RBM, Smith-Barney and The Forum.

As the peloton neared the end of the first lap they could see the breakaway group a little over a minute up the road when suddenly a rider popped out of the back, it was Gerard. Probably Tony S. and Jon A. were working him over with gaps and surges.

David Nixon and Marshall Millard were missing in action by now, so Gerard and Dan sat near the front as a half-dozen Aarons/L5 Flyers riders lead the peloton in the chase. Their effort was valiant and they pulled the break back within a minute at one point, but no one was able to bridge. The numerous attempts to bridge, along with serious cross winds, had created a few small echelons and yet another selection. Gerard gave what he had left and pulled the pack up to the second group before retiring with nothing left left in his legs. The speed and attrition rate was high at this point.

Dan Coy stayed near the front hoping for a shot at the field sprint. As usual, the pandemonium in the final kilometer led to much banging of bars and a few cheap moves up the other side of the yellow line. Dodging the carnage in the final 200 meters, Dan rolled in among the top-15 of the field, but more than a minute behind the breakaway group. Results will be posted later.

[The accuracy of these accounts are debatable as the author was often deep in oxygen-debt and his vision was impaired by perspiration]

Posted by dancoy at 04:55 PM | Comments (0)

March 09, 2005

New Website Project

An artist/cyclist friend asked me to put together a website displaying her jewelry and paintings, even though I am trying to cool-down the web biz around here, I opted to do this website for her. You might enjoy Sally's work, I like it.

Posted by dancoy at 01:24 PM | Comments (0)

March 08, 2005

Blown About

Last Saturday was a most brutal of bike rides. A 70-mile adventure highlighted by 30 mph headwinds and a head-to-head competition with David N. who was top-5 overall in the recent WBL series. The man is flying right now and he took me to my limit while crushing a dozen other strong riders along the way. He is looking to join my team and wanted to show me what he's got. I signed him up.

Sunday Doug and I went around the 60-mile Walton County loop. Again, pretty windy conditions but I finished in good shape. Doug struggled toward the end after spending the first part of the ride on the front while I tried to find my legs.

Monday was a walk around the Ravine loop with the canine critters. They love to go for a ride and a walk, only one thing is better, going camping. I'm watching the weather and work/race schedule, don't want to miss that window of opportunity for a night in the mountains.

Tuesday was 25-35 mph winds again and Doug came out for the 35-mile Blackjack loop, but he cut it short heading back in before the climb up Blackjack Road. It was really gusty up on the top of Blackjack but the ride back home was with a howling tailwind and made for a great finish.

Posted by dancoy at 11:47 PM | Comments (0)

March 04, 2005

MTB @ Tribble Mill

It's been so long since I've ridden my mountain bike, I had to dust off the saddle. Rick S., Wojtek and I met at 9:30 AM at Tribble Mill Park to ride the trails. It had been about 4 or 5 years since I had ridden those trails and there have been some changes since then. Wojtek was leading the way for the most part and he managed to connect enough trails together so that we could ride for an hour and a half and barely repeated any sections at all. The weather was perfect and it's finally starting to resemble the kind of weather we usually have this time of year.

Rick S. owns Watermoc which is the clothing company that makes the jerseys that he and I were wearing. The jersey I was wearing is the new Addictive Cycles Bike Shop jersey. BTW Rick was riding a single-speed bike and seemed to have the smoothest trail skills of the three of us. Wojtek is trying to resist the cold that everyone seems to have had recently, and I was a bit rusty from lack of practice but having a fun time on the trails.

Posted by dancoy at 01:44 PM | Comments (0)

March 02, 2005

Ruth and Sarah

Twenty five years ago my first daughter, Ruth, was born. Shortly after that our neighbor across the street delivered her fourth baby, Sarah. Ruth and Sarah spent a lot of time together, mostly at our house, drawing, dancing and playing in the yard were favorite activities.

A few days ago Ruth reconnected with Sarah for the first time in many years. So I flipped through the old photos and found some pictures of the girls from the early 1980's



Posted by dancoy at 04:10 PM | Comments (0)

March 01, 2005

Cross Clinic and Snow Ride

Adam dazzled the GTC masters cyclocross team at the clinic. Gerard, Bob, Jay, Wojtek and myself were in attendance and enjoying every moment of Adam H-M
Clyclocross Clinic Photos

Adam and Gerard spent the night, but not before we dove into the Bags of Polish sweets that Wojtek had given to me!

After breakfast and a run to Starbucks, Shari came over and we headed out for a ride in the snow flurries. We meet Doug along the way and enjoyed a nice 30-mile ride in the weather.
Snow Ride w/Adam H-M

Gerard has gone to work this afternoon, Adam is napping now and will be hitting the road for SC in a few hours. What a treat having him here!

Posted by dancoy at 03:14 PM | Comments (0)