September 30, 2005

GTC Racing 2006


Click here to view the...
GTC 2006 Sponsorship Flyer

Posted by dancoy at 01:58 PM | Comments (0)

Who'da Thunk It?

The other night a truck pulled up and quickly loaded up the contents of the house, I was at work but Rachel noticed it. Today that house looks empty and there is a "For Sale" sign out front. It's a nice enough looking home with a nice lawn, located in our cul-de-sac across the street from my next-door neighbor.

For the past several months there was no noticeable activity, I don't even recall seeing people coming or going there much at all. Then a couple of weeks ago this story was reported on the front page of our local newspaper:

Police seize $5 million in cocaine
09/11/2005 LAWRENCEVILLE - Gwinnett police seized more than $5 million in cocaine Friday as part of a continuing drug investigation.
Gwinnett County Police Department spokesman Darren Moloney said the seizure was among the largest the department has made.
"It's one of the biggest seizures we've had in Gwinnett County," Moloney said. "It's definitely up there."
Moloney said investigators found about 50 kilos of cocaine in a home at 1501 Field Rock Court in Lawrenceville. The drugs have a street value of more that $5 million. Police also recovered $20,000 in cash and a 9 mm handgun, he said.
No one was at the home when investigators entered, Moloney said, but police have several leads that they are following up on. He said the investigation is ongoing.

I guess the cops raided the place while I was away, so I missed all the action. Since then I have watched for activity around that house and once saw a brand new black Lincoln Navigator stop out front and witnessed a couple of young African-American men step outside the car briefly -I don't know if they were good guys or bad guys.

The man who owns the home and who had rented it, claims the drug dealers had apparently signed the lease using stolen identities which checked out at the time.

Posted by dancoy at 10:18 AM | Comments (0)

September 23, 2005

Jazz Organ Trio

The jazz organ trio featuring Hammond B-3 organ, guitar and drums is a classic jazz sound. This sound was popularized in the mid 1950's by greats like Jimmy Smith, Charles Earland, Jimmy McGriff.

Some of my favorite organ/guitar combinations are:

Jimmy Smith/Kenny Burrell
Jimmy Smith/Wes Montgomery
Jimmy Smith/George Benson
Don Patterson/Pat Martino
Joey DeFrancesco/Pat Martino
Jack McDuff/George Benson
Larry Young/Grant Green

While Wes Montgomery might be my all-time favorite jazz guitarist and his work with Jimmy Smith was amazing, the ultimate jazz organ trio "sound" has to be Jimmy Smith and Kenny Burrell. Here's a few recordings that define the sound and capture the blend of blues, soul, and jazz.

At The Organ - Blue Note
Midnight Special- Blue Note
Back At The Chicken Shack- Blue Note
Blue Bash!- Verve
Organ Grinder Swing- Verve
The Master- Blue Note


jsmith.jpg jimmy_kenny3.jpg

Posted by dancoy at 11:07 AM | Comments (0)

September 19, 2005

Jazz in Murphy NC

In the forgotten far west counties of NC is a group known as The World Music & Jazz Society. Recently Mack and I have performed at several concerts and festivals presented by WMJS. Last Sunday we played at a sold out concert and jazz dinner at Doyle's Outside Grill in Murphy NC.

Mack and I were joined by local talents Louis Ferkovics - percussion and Lee Holland - Vocals. Here's some more photos.

Regional trivia: 31 May 2003 Fugitive Eric Rudolph, accused serial bomber who alluded the FBI for over 5 years, was arrested as he rummages through a dumpster in Murphy NC - just a stones throw from where we were performing.

Posted by dancoy at 11:44 PM | Comments (0)

The Ugly Truth

You are what you eat.

We do a lot of sitting around being passive, watching television, and we are continually bombarded by food messages. It's no wonder we've got an epidemic of obesity in this country.

Really, no one wants to hear it but the only recipe for weight loss is "eat better and get more exercise".

Athletes watch their nutritional needs and non-athletes could learn a thing or two from them.

Nutrition for athletes. This is a sample of what some competitve cyclist's diet might look like.


Cereals (bread, rolled oats, Corn Flakes)
natural yogurt, cream cheese
Fresh fruit, freshly squeezed fruit juice
Tea or light coffee; not milky coffee, as some substances in the coffee make the digestion of milk more difficult

Pasta with olive oil or tomato sauce
Cheese or tuna fish with olive oil or raw ham

Between lunch and training there should be at least an hour and a half break. During the meal minimal liquids should be drunk. Its much better to drink after meals (at least 3 litres per day).

Fresh fruit, dried fruit, plain biscuits with herbal tea
Fruit shouldn't be eaten with main meals to avoid fermentation, which makes digestion more difficult

Vegetable soup or pasta
Meat or fish
Cheese or eggs (1 egg per week)
Side dishes: vegetables, potatoes, peas and beans
Between dinner and going to bed there should be minimum a 2 hour break!


If the competition starts in the morning, breakfast should be eaten at least 2 hours before the start and should consist of:
Freshly squeezed orange juice or another fruit juice with sugar
One cup of tea or decaffeinated coffee
Wholemeal bread with honey or marmalade
One portion of spaghetti with olive oil

If the race takes place in the afternoon, a good breakfast should be taken and the lunch should consist of:
Pasta or rice with olive oil or tomato sauce
Raw ham with a piece of Parmesan cheese
Boiled carrots or potatoes with olive oil, lemon and salt
Concluding with fresh fruit

NB: The drink for the period before the competition should be made of: water and fruit juice or tea with honey, mixed in proportion 1:1. This mixture should be drunk regularly until 45 minutes before the start.


The nutrition after the race should be light, as the body is already weakened due to the effort exerted and a difficult digestion process overloads the detoxing mechanism.
We recommend:
A portion of rice or pasta with olive oil
Vegetable soup
Yogurt or low-fat cheese
A lot of water, or fruit juice or herbal tea

Posted by dancoy at 01:52 PM | Comments (1)

collaborator or competitor

Does this dilemma sound familiar?

The more in control one is, the more in control the partner wants to be.
The less in control one is, the less in control the partner wants to be.

One cannot take the helm when the crew mutinies.
One cannot experience the ride when no one is driving.

Posted by dancoy at 11:08 AM | Comments (0)

September 16, 2005

2005-06 GTC Race Team

The 2004-05 GTC Race Team Results page has been UPDATED and will be until October 15, 2005 which is the end of this racing season.

Sponsors for the 2005-06 GTC Race Team are already coming forward. Anyone who would like to join as either a sponsor and/or rider, please contact me at:

Team GTC is proud of its sponsors. We value our relationships and will work to deliver visible results for both parties. It is possible to arrange both big and small sponsorships and we are always interested in discussing new possibilities and concepts.

Posted by dancoy at 11:43 AM | Comments (0)

My Vent

Motorist that pilot their vehicles at or near cyclist with intent to harm or scare (terrorize), are acting in the same manner as the hijackers of 9/11.

All the cyclist I know are tax-paying US citizens, some of whom have served this country overseas, many support families and are pillars of the community.

Motorist do not have a "Divine Right" to the roads. Cyclist are legal traffic on almost every road in the WORLD and motorist who don't respect that are murdering terrorist at worst and negligent morons at best.

Posted by dancoy at 11:38 AM | Comments (0)

September 11, 2005

AT Hike - Neels to Hogpen

Here's my still photos from last night's camping adventure with Dean and Stephen.

AT hike Movie
[this is a 12.9MB Windows Media Video file. You should RIGHT-CLICK on the link and select "Save Target As..." then save it to your hard drive and play it from there.]

Posted by dancoy at 05:04 PM | Comments (2)

September 08, 2005

Uncle Dan Biography

Back at the first of July I went backpacking on the AT with a brother and two nephews. It was hot and humid and it rained on us too, but it was an adventure and a challenge. Here's the blog entry, Coys on the AT.

Now that the weather is better for hiking, it's time to plan the next backpacking trip. Nephew Stephen sent me an email wanting to know when we are going again, and he also attached a paper that was written for a school project several months ago.

Dan Coy

The life of Daniel Gene Coy has been interesting so far, full of jazz gigs and bike races. Dan Coy has accomplished much in his life that most people could only dream about. He is a professional musician, champion cyclist, accomplished artist, elite level cycling coach, and many other things. He is a really interesting person.

Daniel Gene Coy was born on December 3, 1953 in Columbus, Ohio to Allan and Judy Coy. He has an older brother named Doug, three younger brothers named Dave, Dale, and Dean, and a younger sister named Lisa. He lived in Ohio for thirteen years before moving to Pennsylvania, Maryland, and then Georgia. Since moving to Georgia as a teenager, he has not moved out of the Atlanta area. He married Beverly Buster in Lawrenceville, Georgia in 1979, and they have two daughters. The older is Ruth, and the younger is Rachel.

Dan Coy began playing guitar in 1964. In 1971, he began playing jazz. From that time, he remembers, “One day, I was sitting on my porch playing guitar. A neighbor of mine who played the bass guitar saw me. He came over and literally drew out the pentatonic scale in the dirt with a stick.” This marked a point in his life when he focused on jazz and had little use for popular music.

A few years later, Dan Coy went to the Sinai Peninsula to play a concert for the military there. He closed the concert with a Jimi Hendrix version of the “Star Spangled Banner.” “On the last note it began to rain,” Dan Coy says, “and it, like, never rains over there. The soldiers all thought it was a blessing from God. They got really excited and started to throw stuff up onto the stage.” This event is the most memorable in his music career so far. In 1999, after playing guitar for nearly thirty years, Dan Coy’s band, the Dan Coy Trio made a record called Nothing but the Truth. Information about this group can be found on one of the many websites he maintains on the Internet (

In 1989, Dan Coy pulled an old bicycle of his out of the garage. From that day forward, a new part of his life began. He began racing not long after getting out the bike. He has won many races, including the 1999 Masters National race, and has had some neck-and-neck second place finishes. Dan Coy prefers road cycling to other types because it “requires more strategy.” Recently, he has taken up cyclocross racing in addition to his road racing and mountain biking. Cyclocross racing involves challenging changes of surfaces and forced dismounts of the bicycle that has to be carried over barriers.

Between jazz gigs and bike races, Dan Coy has little time for other activities, but somehow he does do many other activities. He has his own website ( and web log ( He also creates websites for other people ( He enjoys exploring the great outdoors, drawing, and painting, too.

Over the past few years, Dan Coy has faced many events in his family. On January 2, 2000 his mother passed away. In 2003, his daughter Ruth graduated from the University of Georgia, and in 2004 his other daughter Rachel started her freshman year at the University of Georgia. Dan Coy says, “In a thousand years, it won’t matter who played what on what [on guitar], as long as your genetic line is still going.”

My quote is; "A person's only true legacy is their family", but I think Stephen expressed the sentiment just fine.

Posted by dancoy at 09:49 AM | Comments (1)

September 02, 2005

Added Photos

More photos added from the April 3, 2005 reunion gig with Kodac. Lucky Street Reunion @ Smith's

Posted by dancoy at 01:20 PM | Comments (0)