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Sam Skelton Sam Skelton : A native of Conyers, Georgia, Sam Skelton has been active on the Atlanta music scene for well over a decade. Mr. Skelton graduated summa cum laude from Georgia State University and the private studio of Tony Carere with a degree in Jazz Studies. . . MORE
Mack McKibben : With his roots deep in gospel, Mack would sit hours at a time in a cotton field that separated his house from a black church and listen to the piano and Hammond organ that was played in their services. Inspired by players like Jimmy Smith, Billy Preston, Steve Winwood, & Booker T. . . .MORE Mack McKibben
Joe Lee Joe Lee : Joe Lee has been playing drums professionally for the past 10 years. He attended East Carolina University as a percussion major and gained his understanding of jazz and contemporary music concepts under the tutelage of Carroll Dashiell (bassist for Bobby Watson, Maceo Parker, Gladys Knight and many others). . . . MORE
Dan Coy : Dan enjoys exploring the great outdoors, and racing his bicycle (USCF Cat 2). He also loves his fabulously high paying and well-respected job as a musician. In addition to being a successful bandleader in the Atlanta area for well over twenty years. . . MORE Dan Coy

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