June 14, 2004

Day Surgery Results

A polyp was removed from the colon and esophagitis was noted. A sample from the esophagitis and the polyp were sent to a lab for biopsy. I'm scheduled to go back a see Dr. Tanner in a few days, in the mean time, he prescribed 40mg Nexium.

While this may have something to do with the pain in the chest area, it does nothing to explain the constant sinus drainage and congestion, slow healing and overall fatigue.

I was basically OK by the time I got home, so Rachel & I went out to lunch and then shopping for dorm room stuff.

Dr. Song Na has requested a follow-up visit in the coming weeks. This guy really seems to want to get to the bottom of things and he respects my intelligence by talking with me, listening and explaining his opinions and diagnosis. He has even called me on the phone to ask questions and describe procedures.

Posted by dancoy at June 14, 2004 06:45 PM